After Christmas ham.


Kevin L (NKY)

TVWBB Diamond Member
I picked this monster up on a after Christmas sell off for around 50% off. So I smoked it for about 1.5 hours at about 250ish. Then moved it to a brazing pan with 14oz of chicken stock. To a internal of 145. I let stand for aboy 45 minutes to cool enough to cut up so I can share with freinds. No photos of the brazing as i had folks waiting to taste and take home some for dinner, smes were had by all.
I tasted a little bit while i transfered it to the brazing pan before i covered with foil. It had very nice mild smoke flavor and smell.
Kevin all I can say is Hamalicious.
That ham looks mouthwateringly good and lots of tasty things can be made with that monster.
I’m doing g a ham for New Years Day using a recipe from the Costco magazine. My wife saw it and thought it looked good so, she will be obeyed!
I don’t know that I’ve ever met a ham I didn’t like! The 10#+ ham was on sale for $0.89/lb. so, why not! If it’s good I will share.
Crock pot recipe, trying to think of more sides. Hoppin’ Johns, maybe a salad? Whatever that is.
Hmmm. Smart. I have to try this. We are currently trying to eat a different ham recipe every few hours. Because we have so much ham leftover..
Thanks all I have never done one on a kettle before ways oven cooked but this adds so much more flavor not to mention smell just rocks. We did not glaze as no one in our bunch cares much for that, so I saw the brazing with chicken stock to keep the moisture up. Simple and great tasting.

