a la parrilla tacos de carne


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
removed a load'a corn tortillas from the freezer to thaw


got outside to fire up the 26"OTG in the cold


lemme tellya, this BY FAR was the coldest night I can remember grillin' in... the wind was ferocious!!
musta had a MINUS 20 wind chill thrown in.... not nice.
Anyway, diced up the remaining Vidalia onions i got over the weekend
then tossed'um into a cast iron oval server with some Wisconsin butter...


skirt steak i found in the freezer was thawed then briefly marinated in Goya Picanté Mojo & laid out on the grill


turned a few times....


taked off, rested, chopped and tossed on a few of those corn tortillas while the grill was hot


on almost too long, they were crisp. no fear, i'll still eet them my dear;)


usually make my own pica de gallo butt i tried this at a dude's den and it was awesome, so i bought some.


think i ate seven of these things, coulda done another 4 or 5 butt all the skirt was gone ;P
thanks for not saying, "looks good" then moving on.... :rolleyes:
Er........ looks good!! :D I could definitely go for a plate of those great looking tacos! Jim, did you forget the cheese?? ;)
You are a brave man to battle the wind and cold but the end result looks fantastic! I'd love to sink my teeth into a couple of those bad boys right about now.:)
thanks guys, Paul, translated i think it says Grill Beef Tacos
Mike, look closer.
the sharp cheddar is there
Tacos de carne are my all time favorite Jim. I see you used Goya marinade... I never tried it but will give it a try and report back... By the way looks good ..LOL
Its funny Jim, you get the weather a day after we do cuz it always moves east, Im grillin right now and its about 11 degrees but no wind so its pleasant, by the way, looks good.:cool:
thanks guys, Paul, translated i think it says Grill Beef Tacos
Mike, look closer.
the sharp cheddar is there

Actually Jim I think it says "The storm door is in dire need of a veterinarian". :) You sir are a better man than me. I understand about the wind. Last night I grilled with lump just to keep the temps up. Tonight I bagged it. As always, I wish I was eating at your place. Oh! Looks Good! :)
If I remember my high school spanish for 30+ years ago,"los tacos esta buena!"
Anyway,wind or no wind,nice to see that it's out of the single digits in the frozen tundra!
thanks guys, Paul, translated i think it says Grill Beef Tacos
Mike, look closer.
the sharp cheddar is there

Yep now I see it Jim! Guess I have been looking at way too many "looks good and looks great" posts and my
old eyes need to get back to the important stuff!!! ;)
Looks great Jim!! Glad you risked hypothermia and frost bite to bring us a awesome south of the boarder meal!(and some current cooks in the photo section!!)

Wish I was at your place eating tonight!! Yum!
Great looking tacos!! I was gonna say they look so good I could eat half a dozen on those things but you would have still beat me.
I cant get skirt steak up here drives me nuts! Guess i will just have to drool over yours. Way to brave the elements for an awesome cook.

