a la parrilla tacos de carne

Yeah, where you been dude??!! 'cha finally move?? :)

No, we're still here. Long story...basically, our zoned school sucks (which is why we wanted to move) but in Richmond you can send your kids to any public school you want as long as there is room after the kids zoned for that school have registered. There's a lottery system for the remaining spots but there are only two good elementary schools in the city so everyone tries to send their kids there and it's pretty unlikely to get into the one you want. Well, Campbell "won" the lottery for our first choice and since once you're in you don't have to do the lottery thing anymore, we took the house off the market...at least until middle school...Pretty big relief.

As for, "where you been dude", I'm around. I still see all the incredible things that go on in this forum and everyone here amazes me always. Most of the stuff I'm cooking these days isn't grilling/smoking related so I don't post them. I'm ready for Spring and getting out by the grills again, though.

Thanks for asking!!
Used Goya picante today for first time based on ur post. Used it for grilled cx breast sandwiches as a marinade and then rubbed with penzeys 33rd and galena... Toasted pepperidge farms onion roll.. They were gad...
Sounds like a cook in the north country ;) course Wisconsin is close enough to be Canada.. hehe.. Those tortilla's look a touch crispy - maybe you should have gone and made a melty-taco-lasagna-thing-of-beauty-and-goodness... and called it a day.. hehe..
I'll take some too! Definitely going to have to check out the Goya Picante. Oh, l forgot to say.....looks good. ;)
Estoy de acuerdo, al aire libre, nadie cocina como frío y ventoso como muestra la imagen, se merecen algo mejor que un "se ve bien", por lo que "se ve muy, muy bueno". Hombre, los ven muy bien en una noche fría y ventosa:confused: .......................... d
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For those spanish language challenged, as I am, it reads..... "I agree, anyone cooking outdoors as cold and windy as pictured, does deserve better than a "looks good", so "looks very very good". Man, those do look great on a cold windy night..........................d"

