So, I am planning on brining it in my 6 qt slow cooker. I think it will fit in there. Otherwise I hope it will fit in my plastic 8 qt container with an 8"x8" opening.
Ok, so I called about the sizes available RIGHT NOW in the store. They said 12 lb.
That seems a little small for ~ 10 people. Should I buy two, and try smoking both vertically? (BTW, which rack should I be smoking these vertically on, the very top one, or the middle cooking rack?). I want to do it vertically, just want to make sure I'm using the right rack.
Or, by trying to cook 2, am I just complicating things even more? Perhaps the guests will be understanding if it's only 12 lbs? I do also plan to have mashed potatoes, and most likely dessert too.
Also, any concerns about this timeline?
* Buy on Sunday 8/7
* Defrost in fridge
* Brine on Wednesday night 8/10
* Air Dry in fridge either Friday morning 8/12, and apply rub. Or Friday night 8/12.
* Set up charcoal Friday night 8/12, so it will be ready to start lighting 8/13. Make sure Flame Boss can still connect to Wi Fi the night before.
* Smoke starting ~ 8am 8/13.
I am also going to use this brine recipe, but about 1/2 of it, so it will fit in a 6 qt crock pot. If by chance it will fit in my 8 qt plastic container, then I will probably try for the full brine recipe.
"Apple Brine For Turkey" section.
Whole Foods that said they might have some 14lb - 18lb, but at $4 per lb., instead of $2 per lb. from the first store (Sprouts). I think it would be better to buy 2 from Sprouts, if I went that route, than one 18lb. at the higher rate.