Just teasin you Dan.......I have to light my fire before sunrise to get a " brisket portion " done and finished to eat for like 7pm......I get it.
My beef butcher cuts the brisket into 2 or 3 pieces.....not like you would think, like separating the muscles in the way any of us would do, but rather just cut it into 2 or 3 pieces per brisket......this is good and bad.
Good is I don't have to buy a whole 18 pound packer and work it all and cook it for a millennium.....
Bad is you really have to be on it to find the right cut......I have to go over a few vac packers in the cooler to make sure I am buying what I want.
I try to buy nothing but points.........as we discussed above on how good they are. 1 time I actually purchased the center portion of the brisket.
It was really fatty and not much meat, that was disappointing. I blame the MRS for making me feel rushed........hahahahaha....j/k.....but in all honesty she loves standing there waiting while I inspect all the cuts.

I end up buying 3 or 4 of many different cuts to get them home to the freezer...it takes a while.