3rd attempt at Pulled Pork!

So i have tried to do Pulled Pork twice before. Both times a failure. Both times i failed because i did not allow enough time. Ended up running out of time and then pulling it. Taste wise it was fine, but it was not tender.

This time was different. I had a game plan. I was going to foil it half way through the cook. I even decided i was going to use a foil pan. I put some apple juice, rub spice, and honey in the pan. After 4 hours and 153 degrees i put the Shoulder in the pan and foiled it. After another 3 and half hours in the foil it was reading 205. I tested tenderness with the probe and it was like butter. I let it rest for 25 minutes in the foil then i pulled it. The bone came right out and it was the easiest pull i have done yet. I was told it was really good. Lower on the smoke then normal but my wife said it was a good thing. I never really taste smoke on my cooks since i am saturated with the smoke from the cook. I do always taste it the next day so i think i was right on with it.

Here is the 6 lbs of Boston Butt. After 4 hours:

Here it is after resting:

And Pulled!

Great cook. I now will make Pulled pork more often and maybe for my next party. Thanks for all the help. Its strange how Pulled Pork is one of the easier cooks yet gives me so much trouble.
Pork looks fine to me. I had similar experience on my first because I was not patient ... Now I tell my guest its done when its done !!!
Looks great! My first attempt at pulled pork I knew I was going to run out of time so I foiled. I cooked to 195, then let it rest in a cooler for an hour. You give up the crisp bark but its still fantastic. Good job!
Thats the secret, its done when its done. Just have plenty of ABT's or other appetizers to keep the guests appeased.
Very nice pulled pork. I think you may have set a record for a 6 pound butt. That was a fast cook.

That was my thought as well :)

I'm assuming it was fairly small? I typically cook 10-ish lb butts and mine take 12 hours cook time and 2 hours rest time, but they're like straight-up butta...

In any case, Big Mike, it looks great!

Great Job !!! The pulled pork looks delicious :wsm:
That cut of meat is great learning tool. Teaches patience and the fact that bbq is done when it's done.

Mike_L said:
Its strange how Pulled Pork is one of the easier cooks yet gives me so much trouble.
Looks Great... Tastes Great... Why are you in a hurry to make Heaven?

