3 cooks, still hungry.


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
think it was monday (please excuse my use of lower caps...) that i cooked pork steaks...

skillet taters and blossom onions were also called upon.

seasoned with good stuff i forget exactly butt i'm sure BBQ3000 was there.
and thick###ed bacon topped the pork.

onions, bloomed, looks bad here (with more bacon on it) ...

butt the skillet taters are perfect!

finishing up the pork steak cook...

and plated with garden fresh green beans and those tasty spuds!

the pork was sensational!

I think it was yesterday i found some Italian sausages in the freezer...

these were from RAY'S BUTCHER SHOPPE in Greenfield, Wisconsin.
Inside the P1Gvilion, (very windy these last few days...) on the 26" OTG.



served up with slow cooked baked beans and snap peas + grape tomatoes... a little potato salad on the slide...


delicious eetin' again!
Finially... <gasp!>
'shrooms with farm-fresh butter in a CIS and a coupla sweet peppers along for looks...

seasoned up CHUCK EYE STEAKS with lea and perrins worcestershire and olive oil and salt and pepper and ... well.... that's it.

because the wind was as a PIMA, i set up the DoubleD Burgandy east of the garage and out of the wind.

check out those ORIGINAL handles...


Those are the REAL DEAL LUCILLE! Not those cheap fabricated reproductions.
Anyway, 'shrooms grillin' an' peppers grillin'...

Get those steaks movin' along....

flip-flop them a few times to cook'em rare to medium rare and plate'm up to EET!

Which one you want????

served up with leftover p'salad and those shrooms from before and das peppers!

peppered up that potato salad for some REAL taste!
Great stuff, all of it!

Do yourself a favour, look (or ask) for some chuck eye steaks. You'll thank your butcher AND me for it.

And i thank you for viewing this post. Hope your next day is as nice as today.
Fantastic cooks and photos Jim! You got the wind and we finally got over 2 weeks of downpours! Crazy weather and tomorrow is first day of summer, can't wait to see what mother nature has in store.
Great looking cooks, Jim. Those winds carry those awesome smells all the way over to the tracks for me to enjoy when I roll through.
Some of the details might be fuzzy (most likely caused by the meat sweats) but no doubt the food was memorable!

Three fantastic cooks Jim!
Score 30, each one was a 10!

Wife wanted to know what I wanted for lunch while I was looking at your photos......I told her mreat and lots of it.....those were some grat cooks.
Great looking cooks sir.

The grape tomato and snap pea dish intrigues me. I'm cooking for the SoDT and me tonight and that may need to be the side. I may have to fire up two grills tonight.

I had a puny breakfast and ate peanuts out of a vending machine for lunch (stinking busy) and then I see this post...


I need a Lampe sized plate for dinner!
OK Jim,
It was not my intention to duplicate your last documented meal, but I did.
My side was snap peas, grape tomatoes, julienne red peppers and onions cooked in coconut oil and seasoned with Big Butz Gettin' Roasted season all.
Jim, you created an absolute winner with that combo.
I wanted ribeyes, but had trouble at $13.00/lb. Grocery store had Black Angus Chuck steaks for much less. The SoDT was concerned, sounded like a cheap cut.
I seasoned them with Southern Flavor, and reverse seared them with a little cherry on.
Lordlordlord did they have great flavor. Very beefy.
Thank you Jim for posting that cook!
My Gosh Clark! Comin' from you, that is the best compliment ever! Thank YOU!
I hope you got Black Angus chuck EYE steaks for much less!
Good God man! Those meals make me feel like I got cheated having a bowl of seafood gumbo at lunch! I especially liked the chuck steaks and taters, shrooms, peppers. Heck it all looked good. Keep on cooking, wind be ****ed!
looks greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. are you cooking those chuck steaks like any steak or you gotta indirect them to tender them up?

