Cody Bratton
TVWBB Wizard
I’m conflicted now because after looking at it more, because of the the stainless piece that shields the cookbox from view may look kinda funny all by itself.
Nice work Cody! Looking greatFinally made time this weekend to get some progress on this thing. Haven’t really done much as far as actual grill work since my mom’s passing.
The manifold was rusty and looked like crap so I got that cleaned up, and got the valves cleaned up. The fittings looked brown and ugly, so (not nearly at his level) channeled my inner @Josh Dekubber and cleaned up the fittings a bit. Next the hangers kinda dingy, so those got some treatment along with a few other sets, because of my assembly line brain, instead of doing it just for this one, I’ll do a few and put them in a bin for next time.
Next up was the grease tray rails. Blasted those and painted them to match the cook box. Blasted and painted the screws with high temp silver because why not.
My lack of decent Weber wheels is frustrating. But I got the whitewalls out, cleaned up and painted (so the big wheels are just temporary.
The lower rack cleaned up real nice, and installed an already (see my assembly line comment earlier) repainted tank hanger I had, and got some new front casters I got from Amazon really cheap during one of their big deal days. I used original Weber inserts because they came with the round inserts (that’s what the barcode pic is in case anyone wants it).
The tables, end handles and new internals are all cleaned up at home. So I’m hoping to do the final assembly one night this week. The SS lid isn’t what I’m wanting for my first full on rehab. So it will end up getting a different lid and the SS front panel will most likely get black paint. Or silver if I do the silver end caps on the black lid.