2 Quick meals, with new Lighting!


Jeremy Calow

TVWBB Super Fan
So I know Jim isn't gonna like this post cause there are not "action shots" but I was working on getting a new lighting setup for my food - photography wise. So here are 2 cooks from this past weekend in the snow..

First is a dry aged striploin off the kettle w/ some goose fat fried mushrooms and potatoes. It was pretty tasty I gotta say hehe. The butcher talked me into it while I was picking up some Berkshire pork loin for a Lonza (pics will come later ;) )

Second was some leftover pork meat from said Berkshire loin that was done in a method usually done with pork belly. Its an Asian Honey, soy, oyster sauce scratch made on some rice with some steamed broccoli. Also very delightful..

I am hoping the pictures can compete with some of the amazing cooks I have seen here lately... I have to resort to image trickery now hehe..

Thanks for taking a look!
Thanks guys! Ted, I have a single light through an umbrella off camera right in these w/ a bounce card to the left.. Still need to tweak a bit as I am not getting enough bounce.. All this artificial lighting is new to me as I am used to natural lighting (for my landscape work) but I am getting more comfortable with it as I work.. I have some charcuterie to shoot upcoming here.
Thanks a lot folks! Tony I didn't mean to suggest that only Jim liked to see action shots - just so happened that he commented on a previous post of mine ;). I will see if I can't get a few action shots next time.. Course with the dump of snow we got yesterday I can't actually see where my smoker is at this point hehe.. But I have some beef bacon that needs to be smoked tomorrow so .. I'll do my best :D
Great looking food, and the light looks totally professional. It would be very nice if you could take a picture of your setup.
Sure can Geir, will add it to the next set of pictures I post if that works? Nothing professional believe me hehe totally DIY - didn't want to spend a bunch of coin on something yet..
Jeremy, don't sweat "the action shots".... :)
I simply prefer to see WEBER equipment in use in posts.... that's all.
I usually do not comment on "non-Weber (action shots) posts...
weird, i know, butt that's me. . . . how i am.
Butt when someone posts a great cook like you have here... HoleyBallsBarney! Looks GREAT!!!!
Your photos are exactly what i see in my dreams! FANTABULOUS!!
Jeremy, don't sweat "the action shots".... :)
I simply prefer to see WEBER equipment in use in posts.... that's all.
I usually do not comment on "non-Weber (action shots) posts...
weird, i know, butt that's me. . . . how i am.
Butt when someone posts a great cook like you have here... HoleyBallsBarney! Looks GREAT!!!!
Your photos are exactly what i see in my dreams! FANTABULOUS!!

Yeah I so understand where you are coming from on the Weber equipment. Love the two cooks.
Haha fair enough. Its easier to "set up" a finished shot - and now, during the cook I am running around setting up the finished scene so its a bit tough.. but no excuse I will totally get on it.

Thanks a lot I appreciate the kind words on the photos. Here is a really crappy picture of my DIY setup from last night when I had some soup for dinner. I will get better ones next BBQ meal ;)

Basically I have a single flood light on the right (clamped to a chair cause I am good like that :cool:), through a full white umbrella with a bounce card on the left. took a warm toned blanket and hung it over the chair I was shooting onto kill reflections from the back and warm up a bit (if any). The camera was center on my tripod.
Finished images are here if you wanted to take a peak: Jeremy Calow Photography - Food
I like the setup, Jeremy. Does the light use a fluorescent or halogen daylight bulb? When I'm feeling ambitious I set up a pair of silver umbrellas with Vivitar 285s at 45-60 degrees to the table and use a mottled gray background, but that requires some effort so I don't do it that often. I also have an old pair of 110V strobes (either Novatron or Bowen, I forget which) that I keep meaning to hang from the basement ceiling but they need new sync cords.

Oh, and your dinner looked pretty good, too!

