1990/93 GENESIS 5000 LP Muave Restoration

I am so nervous handling those glass doors. I know they are not replaceable.
Yah, I would be careful as well. But, of all the photos I have seen posted on here, I don't remember any showing were one or more of the doors were busted. Sometimes they had fallen out, but were still there and not broken. They may be made of that tempered glass like correl dinner ware. It is strong stuff, but if it does break, look out.
I would be pretty confident that it is tempered like my stereo cabinet was. When I dropped that all I had left were little "diamonds" all over the floor!
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Well, it IS strong or it wouldn't have survived all these years. And, at least if something bad happened "diamonds" are better than long sharp slivers 😬 ! I know you will do fine with it, Joe.

I wish you weren't so far from our Upper Midwest TVWBB Meet. We would love to have you there. Maybe you need to do a road trip! There should be some good bargains on parts to buy or swap for:smilekettle:!
Well, it IS strong or it wouldn't have survived all these years. And, at least if something bad happened "diamonds" are better than long sharp slivers 😬 ! I know you will do fine with it, Joe.

I wish you weren't so far from our Upper Midwest TVWBB Meet. We would love to have you there. Maybe you need to do a road trip! There should be some good bargains on parts to buy or swap for:smilekettle:!
I should have put a ;) at the end of the last post. They are safely sitting on a table in my basement all cleaned, and hardware reinstalled, after a long soak in vinegar to remove the rust from the hinges.
I would love to come to the meet. It is a really long trip, but still on the table with my wife. Just have to figure out if we can manage the logistics.
Great Joe, as long as the wife hasn't said no, we know you have a good chance of working it out.
Sorry Joe, I missed that.
I think if I were going to do that much work, I’d use some nice stock and use three coats of good urethane varnish.
Sorry Joe, I missed that.
I think if I were going to do that much work, I’d use some nice stock and use three coats of good urethane varnish.
You don't think I should use the original boards? I haven't started on them yet, but I think they look like they may be in ok shape. I wonder what kind of wood it is as it is very light weight. The wood handle for the grill is warped if you look at the picture. I have seen a picture of a solid piece of wood being used and think it looks nice and more modern. But I do have the original in a vice right now trying to get it to straiten out. I am a little torn between "improve" it or as "stock" as possible.
You don't think I should use the original boards? I haven't started on them yet, but I think they look like they may be in ok shape. I wonder what kind of wood it is as it is very light weight. The wood handle for the grill is warped if you look at the picture. I have seen a picture of a solid piece of wood being used and think it looks nice and more modern. But I do have the original in a vice right now trying to get it to straiten out. I am a little torn between "improve" it or as "stock" as possible.
Might think about a 9057 “Grill out light” for handle replacement? Sure you can use the originals, take one in to the hardware place and have them color match it. If it were me, I’d make it stunning. I’m biased, I’m lucky enough to have a cabinetmaker buddy that seems to have an unimaginable inventory of nice material. I think I might be tempted to do one in mahogany sometime.
You don't think I should use the original boards? I haven't started on them yet, but I think they look like they may be in ok shape. I wonder what kind of wood it is as it is very light weight. The wood handle for the grill is warped if you look at the picture. I have seen a picture of a solid piece of wood being used and think it looks nice and more modern. But I do have the original in a vice right now trying to get it to straiten out. I am a little torn between "improve" it or as "stock" as possible.
Soak the handle in water for a day before you try to straighten it. Then leave it in the vice until it dries out.

