100° day Pollo Asado - it’s too dang hot today

I feel for you guys dealing with the excessive heat and lack of rain. It’s been pretty hot here on the East coast too but nothing like your temps. Thankfully, yesterday and today were gorgeous! Sunny, no humidity and low 80’s. Next week looks decent too, I’m ready for Fall.
Looks good to me, and I don't see any cold weather misery. Far bette to swim in water than have to blade snow or fall down on ice....
thankfully it doesn't snow here. but it is a bit too hot right now and this week. 106 and 107 Tues-Wed. yay! not really.
We're looking at a shocking break tomorrow with a high of 72*! Not suppozsed to happen here in August. But then neither is this two weeks of 80+* temps. All we can do is enjoy it while we have it.

@Brett-EDH , the sad part is that now you have to eat all that lucious bounty. 😆
thankfully it doesn't snow here. but it is a bit too hot right now and this week. 106 and 107 Tues-Wed. yay! not really.
I can’t wait for it to snow! I love to watch the deer while I’m grillin’ and smokin’. Being retired makes a big difference too!
I got 10 years on you, I left at 60 after 37 years of work at PSE&G. I loved my job but couldn’t stand all the corporate BS anymore. After working 100’s of snow storms, I can finally enjoy them!
Great cook as usual! I was in Hawaii last week and it was pretty damn hot. The locals said unusually hot for this time.
Glad to be home to my 70’s show.
Looking good Brett, I can understand why there isn't a lot of leftovers.
We've had pretty decent weather here after a super hot start. With the monsoons we get afternoon showers almost every day and temps in the low 80s. Humidity is up around 85% but with the cooler temps it's livable.
@DuaneMac , nice pics and I would enjoy watching them too. But cold and snow are not my thing -- I'm happy to cede them to you. As for retirement, yes and congratulations! At 74, I've been retired for 19 years and have never regretted it. Much the same reasons as you, but mainly the corporate BS and stress got so it far outweighed the enjoyment during the last two years. Imminent change demanded as quick decision, but having prepared for years, my wife (who was in the same boat) and I decided it was time and we could manage the risk. It has worked out well and retirement for us is all it was hoped for. Finding value and occupation in your new life is a key. Best.
Looking good Brett, I can understand why there isn't a lot of leftovers.
We've had pretty decent weather here after a super hot start. With the monsoons we get afternoon showers almost every day and temps in the low 80s. Humidity is up around 85% but with the cooler temps it's livable.
We just got back from 16 days in Vegas and it was raining almost daily. The humidity was kind of insane, for Vegas at least. And the local flooding that was caused was wild too. Hopefully this rain helps the arid west. Lake Mead was more like Pond Mead. It's kind scary how little water there is left.
Brett, I have felt your pain many times over. When we had three very active teenagers at home many years ago (Youngest is now 44) There was no such thing as a leftover or a smidgin to snack on later.
It took me years to downsize my favorite recipes to just feed the two of us.
Brett, I have felt your pain many times over. When we had three very active teenagers at home many years ago (Youngest is now 44) There was no such thing as a leftover or a smidgin to snack on later.
It took me years to downsize my favorite recipes to just feed the two of us.
I sent the All Family text to find the culprit(s). Wife took the last amount. Of all people!!!

Son and daughter had it for lunch yesterday. I’m the slow loser. Move too slow, become the loser.

