“Safe” Shelf Life of Leftovers


William E.

New member
I have a question about leftovers and their “safe” shelf life in the fridge. Because the meat is smoked when cooking on my WSM, is its shelf life in the fridge longer than lets say BBQ grilled or oven roasted meat.
I toss leftovers not eaten within 3 days of cooking. Don't think smoking extends life. Curing is a different story
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I keep leftovers for no more than 5 days in fridge. Afte that they get too see out. I lose interest.
If it's a lot I freeze
Get a vacuum sealer. As stated, smoking won't increase the shelf/fridge life of leftovers, but freezing & vacuum-sealing them (in that order) will.

When I have leftovers, I put them in plastic wrap or a zip-top bag, freeze 'em solid, then put them (still wrapped or bagged) into a vacuum bag and seal 'em up. Freezing first prevents liquid from getting sucked into the sealer and also prevents the food from getting the moisture squeezed out of it. I also helps the food to retain it's natural shape (important for stuff like ribs, less so for pulled pork or a chunk of brisket).
Anything over 1 day old should be vacuum sealed, packed in dry ice, and sent to me. I can send you my address via PM :)

