Vintage Red Kettle Line Up......


Stephen L

TVWBB Member
Well, after lining up the black thumbscrews I decided to line up the vintage reds. Haven't lined them up in a while. :)

from left to right:

Early 70's 18.5"
Patent Pending (late '60's early '70's)
'73 Red
Thumbscrew (early to mid '60's)
Early '70s offset handle smokey (NIB)
'85 Go Anywhere
Early '70s Imperial Sequoia
Thumbscrew (early '60s) different than the other thumb..
'74 Red
'73 Red (NIB)

Where do you keep all those? Must have a barn on the property. I assume they're collector items, what kind of value is all that? Pretty cool
Yeah, but how would you like to have a RED one? LOL

That is truly some line-up.

Me? I LIKE the Sequoia!!

Keep on smokin',
Pretty cool. I don't think there's enough red in this line up, could use a little more lol. Slim chance at getting any color other than black or black or even black, unless you shop on line or find one that needs some
tlc at a yard sale. Thanks for taking all the red! Lol

