Search results

  1. J

    Anyone Using Weber Craft Accessories on the SF?

    I was wondering if anyone is using Weber Craft accessories and if so, which ones you found particularly useful on the SF? My SF came with the frame and sear grid. I don't really use the sear grid when I sear and I was eyeing the griddle and the pizza stone. I couldn't tell if the griddle...
  2. J

    Where to Buy Boneless Skinless Turkey Breasts Online?

    I'm looking for boneless, skinless turkey breasts about 5 lbs each. I can't get them from any of the supermarkets or farms around me in my neck of the woods because it's summer. In addition, bird flu devastated a lot of turkey farms last fall so that makes it even harder to find now. Can...
  3. J

    Initial ELX 6 Experience - Outstanding So Far

    I've done my first few cooks on the ELX 6. My initial experience has been superlative. It's like Weber has found the missing link in pellet grills. They should be shouting it from the rooftops and taking credit for it. I know that can change with further use and I wasn't one of the stalwarts...
  4. J

    Saucing Technique on SmokeFire

    I'm going to be cooking up some chicken breasts and thighs and saucing them. On my Genesis I would just start to layer on the sauce and flip and repeat and continue several times until the breasts hit done temp. The BBQ sauce (Heinz) holds up well to the heat, but still it's a messy process...
  5. J

    Weber Temp Probe Reading Bounces Around After Repositioning

    I did my first cook and then grill (burgers) with the EXL6 this evening. It went pretty well. I seem to have that hotspot on the right hand side of the SF. I used a Weber temperature probe plugged into the SF in the spatchcocked chicken. I set the alarm for 162. After double checking the...
  6. J

    New Sear+ Hopper Chute Gap Question

    Well, I just took delivery of my ELX6 and it looks good. I saw this gap in the hopper chute and was wondering if it would be a problem for me?
  7. J

    Which Pellets Can I Use in SF?

    I read the FB FAQ and it says you can use any pellet brand. The Weber site FAQ says SF was designed for Weber pellets. In the early SF days it sounds like people tried to use Bear Mountain and then reported their augurs were whining and moaning or some such thing. PB pellets are supposed to...
  8. J

    Rule of Thumb for Drip Pans?

    I haven't been following the SmokeFire until recently and now that I have one on the way I'm trying to learn everything I can about it. Is there a rule of thumb for drip pans? Would you every use while grilling or would the flavorizer bars take care of most of the drippings?
  9. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    I was wondering what opinions are regarding how much smoke flavor gets onto the food with a SmokeFire? My last experience with a pellet grill (typical smoke stack design and well made) was that the smoke flavor was very, very light. It seems like the SmokeFires do a better job of it - for a...
  10. J

    How Much Food Can a SmokeFire Smoke at Once?

    I'm thinking about picking one of these up and I'm trying to decide between the EX4 size and the EX6 size. I didn't find the number of burgers each grill can hold especially helpful on the Weber site. Can someone break it down to approximately how many spatchcocked chickens, racks of ribs and...
  11. J

    Can't Get Grill Hot Enough

    I'm new to charcoal grilling having spent many years on a gasser. I have a new performer 22" (non-gas) and a SNS. I filled the SNS with about 70 lit coals and I couldn't get the temp over 300. I was aiming for 325 - 350. I was using Kingsford original and top and bottom vents were full open...

