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  1. M

    Brisket to fast?

    I'm doing an overnight brisket. It's about 14 pounds and I started it at 11 PM. It's 3:30 AM now and the thing is already up to 153. (OK I guess with the 40-140-4 thing, right?) I'm betting a stall is coming, but I'm not planning on dinner until 5 PM today. Is thing going too fast? Do I have...
  2. M

    Oiling Vents

    I've been looking for the answer for this, but must not be putting in the right search terms. I've got vents that are really hard to open and close on the bottom of my Bullet. What should I use to unstick 'em? Thanks!
  3. M

    Pork Butts 165 to 200 - How Long?

    I'm smoking 2 Boston butts this weekend and the recipe I'm following says to smoke 'em to 165, then foil 'em, then put them back in until they hit 200. Any theories how long going from 165 to 200 in the foil might take? I'm trying to figure out my schedule... Thanks in advance!
  4. M

    2 Butts?

    In a few weeks I'm going to be smoking 2 pork butts to make pulled pork for company. I'm thinking two 8-10 lb butts. I've never smoked 'em before, so I want to make sure there's room for both in the smoker. One on top and one on the bottom? Do I need to adjust cooking time? Any help is much...
  5. M

    Brisket Help

    So I've got a 14 lb brisket on the smoker and I think I'm through the stall. It's at 180 now but we're not going to eat for 5 hours or so. I was thinking of foiling it until 205 and then into the cooler with some towels, but was concerned about being done too early. Opinions? (Thanks in advance!)
  6. M

    Doubling Ribs, Adjusting Time/Fuel?

    Morning everyone! I'm doing some ribs today, but thanks to a Father's Day rib rack from my son, I'm doubling the amount of ribs I normally smoke. Do I need to adjust the amount of charcoal? Do I need to add time? Thanks! Mark
  7. M

    Grill/Smoker Setup on Lawn

    So last summer we had to have some work done on the foundation of our home and we had to tear out our patio. Normally I'd have my charcoal grill, gas grill, and smoker set up on it, but since we couldn't afford to put in a replacement patio this summer, it looks like I'll be setting up on the...
  8. M

    Final Temp for Pork Butt?

    Hi all! Quick question... Smoking an 8 pound pork butt today and was expecting a 12 hour smoke. My meat thermometer is telling me 166 right now after about 7 hours. What temp should I call it done and wrap it up? Thanks!! Mark
  9. M

    Brisket Too Fast?

    Morning all! I'm trying my very brisket on my new-ish WSM this morning. It's a 7-pound first cut brisket and I was figuring somewhere between 7-9 hours for the smoke. When I put the meat on the digital thermometer I inserted read 42 degrees, but after about an hour or so it's reading 112...
  10. M

    How Long Should Smoke Be Smoking

    As I've said in recent posts, I'm still new at this,so this is kinda a basic question: When I put in wood chips/chunks, it seems like I get a good smoke for about an hour or so and then not much for much of the cooking time. How long should smoke be produced and what can I do to prolong this?
  11. M

    Jamison Smoke & Spice Cooktimes

    So I got into smoking a little over a year ago and I've been using the Jamison Smoke & Spice cookbook for most of my recipes. Does anyone else notice that their cooktimes are a little on the short side? I just did a whole chicken exactly according to their directions and the thing never got...
  12. M

    Chicken Problems

    Hi everyone! OK, I'm doing my first smoke of the year with a whole chicken about 3-1/2 lbs. I've been smoking it for about 4 hours at 230 degrees, but I can't get the chicken above 150 degrees (well below the 180 that's recommended). I tried a few thermometers and that 150 is correct. What...
  13. M

    Reusing Old Charcoal in Grill

    OK, I'm still a newbie here, and I know you can reuse your old charcoal in the grill, but how long can you keep reusing charcoal? I'm using Kingsford and often I have trouble getting old coal to relight and cook well in the grill. Any hints?

