Search results

  1. SE Davis

    Beef bourginon in new STOK cast iron oven

    Excellent meal Sandy! The bar raises again a Tvwbb. Scott
  2. SE Davis

    Filets and Parmesan Crusted Zuchini

    Steak and veggies done right! Scott
  3. SE Davis

    Tri-Tip -- Simply Served

    Tasty looking plate Dwain. I'll take TT any day of the week. Scott
  4. SE Davis

    My son who graduated high school last weekend

    Excellent cook Chuck! Congrats to you and your boy. Scott
  5. SE Davis

    Meteor Pork shoulder

    I need a PP sammich! Scott
  6. SE Davis

    Old Man New Era

    Nice looking family Bill! The more I see grill grate cooks the more I like them. Hope your new puter has a big screen.;) Scott
  7. SE Davis

    Chicken Tacos

    I'll take a plate. Scott
  8. SE Davis

    Family BBQ Shindig

    Great looking brisket and PP Todd! Scott
  9. SE Davis

    It's a growing family

    Nice setup Jake. Looking forward to your cooks. Scott
  10. SE Davis

    Dry rubbed smoked pork tenderloin with sautéed local veggies

    Very nice plate there HB. Scott
  11. SE Davis

    AWOL Pork Butt

    Hey All, Sorry for not posting in a while. Life has been a bit of a roller coaster. Any way here is some PP we did last weekend. Wsm loaded with RO briquettes. Buried some apple and cherry chunks. Firing off for an over-nighter. Trimmed pork butt covered with yellow mustard and rubbed...
  12. SE Davis

    2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild

    Still in the garage getting ready for paint. Scott
  13. SE Davis

    2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild

    It's my evolved FLHRCI. :) Nice scooter you got Chad! I have been wondering how many riders are the forum. Scott
  14. SE Davis

    2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild

    Thanks for the info Chad. I was thinking it was faded. The wife likes green so I will be on the lookout for a hood/grill on CL. Scott
  15. SE Davis

    2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild

    Well a little update. I got the new crossover tube in. The burner tubes were in good shape. Made some new flavorizer bars at work and sprung for Weber ss grates. I'm still in the rehab mode but I had to do a test fire. Hooked up the gas line to the house and one click lit up the grill. :) No...
  16. SE Davis

    2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild

    I found the replacement tube on amazon. Thanks for the pic Chad. I will post more as I go along. Scott
  17. SE Davis

    2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild

    Thanks guys. I had the burner tubes out already. There isn't a tab on the cross over tube. Should I look for a replacement? Scott
  18. SE Davis

    2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild

    Hey all I picked up a Genesis project for 40 bucks on CL. I have a question about burner tube placement. I see the outside tubes are held by the manifold on one end and secured with screws to the firebox on the other. The center tube is held by the manifold but I can't figure what holds it...
  19. SE Davis

    Speaking of marriage....

    * If you locked your wife and your dog in the trunk of the car for the afternoon........Your dog would still be happy to see you when you opened the trunk. :D
  20. SE Davis

    Reusing an Old Weber Silver B for a Cart

    Very nice work Rich! Scott

