2000 Genesis Silver NG Rebuild


SE Davis

Hey all I picked up a Genesis project for 40 bucks on CL. I have a question about burner tube placement. I see the outside tubes are held by the manifold on one end and secured with screws to the firebox on the other. The center tube is held by the manifold but I can't figure what holds it secure to the firebox or the crossover tube. All help appreciated.



Thanks, Scott
Hi Scott,
The centre burner looks 'wrong'?
It should slide into a slot on the underside of the crossover tube?
Or the crossover tube should pass through the burner?
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The crossover tube should have a tab like the photo below. The other tubes aren't exactly attached by the firebox screws, but rather slip into the screws. If you're able, just loosen those screws ans slip the burner tubes out. Otherwise, just work the tubes out, clean up, and slip em back in.

Thanks guys. I had the burner tubes out already. There isn't a tab on the cross over tube. Should I look for a replacement?
Well a little update. I got the new crossover tube in. The burner tubes were in good shape. Made some new flavorizer bars at work and sprung for Weber ss grates. I'm still in the rehab mode but I had to do a test fire. Hooked up the gas line to the house and one click lit up the grill. :) No more running out of propane.



I still need to clean the hood and repaint the wire shelf. Looks like I will have a new to me grill for 120 bucks. So long to the 3yo Sears/Crapsman/Kenmore that died quickly.


What is the best method for cleaning the hood? It is dusty but the ceramic has white specks in it. All help appreciated.
What is the best method for cleaning the hood? It is dusty but the ceramic has white specks in it. All help appreciated.

Looks great so far!

For the hood, 0000 steel wool works great on porcelain. The little white specks most likely are not going to come out. There is a fair amount of fading on the hood and that's just the nature of the beast. You can get it looking pretty good (and dark) by spraying it with PAM cooking spray and wiping. But, after a few cooks the dark color will start to fade again.
Thanks for the info Chad. I was thinking it was faded. The wife likes green so I will be on the lookout for a hood/grill on CL.
It's my evolved FLHRCI. :)

Nice scooter you got Chad! I have been wondering how many riders are the forum.
Where is the brace(s) between the legs on either side (front and rear)? It looks like something is missing

