It's a growing family


Jake Wilson


Hi!, Jake here...n00b member=:-) I was posting in the introduce yourself forum and was asked (by Tony) to post some of my cooks in the photo gallery (here), so here I am, posting pics=:-)...well, trying to, Flickr is changing things up, again, and while I'm thinking about it, since MSN is my server, Chris told me I might have problems getting notices from the board and he's right...when I choose to be notified whenever someone responds to my topic (via email), I'm not notified, so if I don't reply to a questions of yours (if you have any for me=:-), I may not know you asked!...unless I come to the topic and see that there is a reply. Not so bad right now when I have only two topics I started=:-)

Back to WSM's....I bought an 18" and a 14" model, put the 14 together first and have done a couple of cooks with it, but I thought I was going to show you other *mystery* grill cook pics, for now, this post=:-) yet Flickr is getting snitty with me again...the lone photo above, is the only photo I was able to choose the size, before grabbing the pic URL, so for now, that is the only pic I'm posting to this thread. IOW's, I'm going to have to wait and see if Flickr gets their act together so I can access my pics. Please bear with me, and BTW...most of the pics I'll post, are taken with my Surface tablet, w/o a tripod. I know, I's a poor workman that blames his tools=:-)


Reddick Fla.
Thank you everyone that expressed an interest in seeing my *upcoming* pictures (of past cooks)...I really want to show them off=:-) but Flickr is still involved in some sort of Beta experiment concerning how I can use my photos. In the last 24 hours I'm finally able to grab a large only photo url, but I have to choose BBC code and then I have to trim a lot of unwanted code after putting it into the thread. I'll give Flickr a few more days and then see if they have made it an easier Hopefully, they will, they always sort it out but it takes some time. Patience is a virtue<LOL>

Mike Willis was asking about the stacked wood in the photo above...

Believe it or not Mike, it gets cold enough in north central Fla. to use wood to heat our home with in the winter months. We have two wood burning stoves and that's all we use to heat our home, but that wood can also be used for smoking food as the majority of it is oak wood. Most of the wood in that photo is Laurel Oak but I do have some red oak (Live Oak) mixed in on the backside of that pile. Live Oak is what I like to smoke with but the white (Laurel) oak is good smoking wood too


Reddick Fla.
Taking a shot at loading Flickr photos...wish me luck or, Euro-Q Part 1

Flickr is still making this (grabbing photo url's) incredibly hard but, I said I would load some ya go=:-)


These pics were taken on my 57th birthday last November as I had just received this griddle made by Little Griddle up in Michigan. It's all stainless, about 20" or 22" wide, 19" deep. the maker (manufacturer) has some videos (sold me=:-) on his site but he uses a gas grill, which I don't have so I use my charcoal grill *(which has seen better days=:-) Okay, it's a little rusty and I'm lazy when it comes to maint. I have gone through one charcoal pan with it already, and had a local machine shop make another pan for it. I really like this charcoal grill

the crank handle you see in the next pic allows me to raise and lower the coal grate


here's the underside of the can see it's reinforced. In the back ground, I have some briquettes heating up


Coals are ready, on the griddle goes on top of the grates, and looky here...I used some fancy towels to hide the rusty side trays. Maybe there is some hope for me=:-) There's some chicken thighs in the baggie to the right of the photo that have been marinating in EVOO and Jake's Select seasonings (secret recipe=:-) <not really>...garlic salt, paprika, chili powder...scant amounts...just enough for flavoring


On go the thighs!


Nice little sear on the skin sides!


Chicken is off the griddle, on the grates, making room on the griddle so I can make fried rice! Onion (diced) and garlic (minced) in a little gotta keep the onion and garlic moving so the garlic doesn't burn (using the spatula)


After the onion wilted and the garlic browned a little, I added about a 1/2 cup of frozen peas


When the peas started heating nicely, I added my rice. I use/make Vigo Basmati rice. the rice was made the day before, about 2 cups or so. When frying rice, or making fried rice and you use leftover rice, it's important that your rice is no more than a few days old. Cooked rice left in your fridge more than a few days can grow some nasty bacteria. Forewarned is forearmed!

Note also the chicken is grilling and getting a crust, and that's some soy sauce seen far left, to be added in a little bit. This is Chinese style fried rice after all, so soy sauce plays a part, and gives this rice mixture a salty flavor


the green stuff is fresh onions, to be mixed in


onions are mixed in, now not shown...I added a scrambled egg. I took one raw egg and and scrambled with a fork, then poured it on top of the rice mixture then added the soy sauce (about 2 tablespoons), mixing it all up with the metal spatula

When cooking on a metal griddle, you need metal utensils. The plastic spatulas and what not you use indoors on the non stick pans shouldn't be used on stainless steel griddles, at least I've found it's best to flip the rice and stir it up using a metal spatula

To be continued=:-)
Time To Eat!

Well, here it is-


Shown here but not seen in the other pics...the rice has darkened a little, the result from frying on the hot stainless steel griddle, with a bit of oil, after a certain amount of time. One of the things that make this dish taste good is how the smoke from the coals mixes with the rice, making it not just fried rice but fried rice cooked over charcoal

Anyways, that's how I spent my 57th birthday last November!


Reddick Fla.
Looks great and good use of SS griddle. I have a Camp Stove with a steel griddle, I find the steel doesn't season as well as the Cast Iron which when seasoned becomes more non-stick. It looks like you don't have any issues with food sticking
Welcome aboard Jake. Looks like you are good to go buddy. I too am looking forward to seeing your creations...


Looks great and good use of SS griddle. I have a Camp Stove with a steel griddle, I find the steel doesn't season as well as the Cast Iron which when seasoned becomes more non-stick. It looks like you don't have any issues with food sticking

~~~I bought this Euro-Q griddle off They were being offered at a significant savings (over 1/2 off IIRC). One poster there mentioned seasoning his. I PM'd him off list asking how do you season a stainless steel griddle...never heard back from him

Every time I cook on it, I wash it afterwards using stainless steel wool, and hot water, liquid dish soap, rinse well w/plenty of hot water, then let air dry. It's work but I think it's worth it. The only two meats I've cooked on it have been chicken and Teppenyaki (by virtue of searing on this griddle) New York Strip Steak, and both these meats, I marinate in EVOO, so the meat doesn't have a chance to stick. That said, any browned cooked bits left on after my cooking sessions have ended, easily clean up using the aforementioned scouring techniques


Reddick Fla.
Welcome aboard Jake. Looks like you are good to go buddy. I too am looking forward to seeing your creations...



~~~Thanks for the welcome John!, I'll photograph and post meals as time allows. Momma said something about wanting me to make my *Tuscan* ized carmel onion burgers, on toasted focaccia, sooner rather than later. I think that means today or tomorrow=:-)


Reddick Fla.
Jake thanks for sending the recipe for fried rice thats going to be on the dinner line up very soon. Barb
Jake thanks for sending the recipe for fried rice thats going to be on the dinner line up very soon. Barb

~~~Hope you enjoy it as much as we have been enjoying it=:-)

Couple of tips I've found along the way, repeating this recipe time and again...

Chop the green onions into no longer than 2" sections, and split lengthwise if there on the verge of being large...they cook more complete that way

Also, with this 2-3 cup recipe for rice starting out, adding one raw scrambled egg is plenty, unless you want to turn your rice into an egg foo young, then try adding two scrambled eggs...but for fried rice, one egg is enough IMO, and don't forget to use a dash or two of soy sauce seals the deal!


Reddick Fla.

