Taking a shot at loading Flickr photos...wish me luck or, Euro-Q Part 1
Flickr is still making this (grabbing photo url's) incredibly hard but, I said I would load some pics...here ya go=
These pics were taken on my 57th birthday last November as I had just received this griddle made by Little Griddle up in Michigan. It's all stainless, about 20" or 22" wide, 19" deep. the maker (manufacturer) has some videos (sold me=

on his site but he uses a gas grill, which I don't have so I use my charcoal grill *(which has seen better days=

Okay, it's a little rusty and I'm lazy when it comes to maint. I have gone through one charcoal pan with it already, and had a local machine shop make another pan for it. I really like this charcoal grill
the crank handle you see in the next pic allows me to raise and lower the coal grate
here's the underside of the griddle...you can see it's reinforced. In the back ground, I have some briquettes heating up
Coals are ready, on the griddle goes on top of the grates, and looky here...I used some fancy towels to hide the rusty side trays. Maybe there is some hope for me=

There's some chicken thighs in the baggie to the right of the photo that have been marinating in EVOO and Jake's Select seasonings (secret recipe=

<not really>...garlic salt, paprika, chili powder...scant amounts...just enough for flavoring
On go the thighs!
Nice little sear on the skin sides!
Chicken is off the griddle, on the grates, making room on the griddle so I can make fried rice! Onion (diced) and garlic (minced) in a little EVOO...you gotta keep the onion and garlic moving so the garlic doesn't burn (using the spatula)
After the onion wilted and the garlic browned a little, I added about a 1/2 cup of frozen peas
When the peas started heating nicely, I added my rice. I use/make Vigo Basmati rice. the rice was made the day before, about 2 cups or so. When frying rice, or making fried rice and you use leftover rice, it's important that your rice is no more than a few days old. Cooked rice left in your fridge more than a few days can grow some nasty bacteria. Forewarned is forearmed!
Note also the chicken is grilling and getting a crust, and that's some soy sauce seen far left, to be added in a little bit. This is Chinese style fried rice after all, so soy sauce plays a part, and gives this rice mixture a salty flavor
the green stuff is fresh onions, to be mixed in
onions are mixed in, now not shown...I added a scrambled egg. I took one raw egg and and scrambled with a fork, then poured it on top of the rice mixture then added the soy sauce (about 2 tablespoons), mixing it all up with the metal spatula
When cooking on a metal griddle, you need metal utensils. The plastic spatulas and what not you use indoors on the non stick pans shouldn't be used on stainless steel griddles, at least I've found it's best to flip the rice and stir it up using a metal spatula
To be continued=