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  1. B

    My Sunday Cook...(w/Pics)

    I'm gonna try a fattie before my doctor finds out!
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    Bad Smelling Brisket

    Straying off-topic... John, you are north of Boston, I am on the southern edge within the city limits of Boston, and have found good queing meat consistently at: Costco Dedham (ribs, no butts anymore) BJs Dedham (ribs, butts , brisket) Hi Lo Supermarket Jamaica Plain (a hispanic market that...
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    Bad Smelling Brisket

    Same thing here but with a frozen (june 29) double cryo of butts. I thawed in the frig for five days opened it up and whew! Called a chef friend. He said to wash it well and see it the smell dissipates. Nope! So I tossed 15 pounds of meat. The big question is: I have a similar frozen cryo from...
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    Looking for a sauce recipe

    Yesterday, I set out three commercial sauces bought from "mo hotta mo betta" - Southern Rays Three Pepper Roadhouse Stubbs Long ago I googled "bbq sauce recipes" and I have hundreds off the net. Do the same, and pick out something that has all your favorite ingredients. I keep going back to...
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    My first smoke results

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ragu: Russ, why then were the ribs on the dry side? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sometimes it is the quality of the meat. (That said: I have never removed ribs in less than 4 hours) My spares this weekend came out...
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    Be nice to your WSM

    Thanks for all the comments. That white stuff is something we in New England call "snow." This is the first winter out of four that I did not store the wsm in the shed. When I opened it up (after digging it out) the charcoal bowl was a 10 pound frozen disk of ash, coals, and grease. It cleaned...
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    Be nice to your WSM

    I made the mistake of leaving my wsm out this year. We all know or learn the hard way that it isn't watertight and the cover ain't waterproof. I cleaned it up to make ribs for the Super Bowl. Be nice to your WSM. Somebody looked at this picture and said, "why is there a tombstone in your backyard?
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    Site Support

    I bought a hat. Chris has gotten more than his 15 minutes of fame, and deserves every ounce of my gratitude for hosting this resource.
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    Decisions, Decisions

    Ever notice other internet forums always have trolls and contrarians who like to stir up trouble? Search the VWB archives and you are hard pressed to find anybody badmouth our beloved cooker. And little if any flaming and posturing. Yet another buddy of mine is doing his WSM maiden voyage...
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    Discount Knives?

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin J: Thanks, I will check them out! Ohh, and I am doing some shopping locally to get the feel of different knives out there. Here's hoping I like the Forschner's (sp?) since they cost less. Kevin...
  11. B

    Proper Serving Breads?

    Or finger food. I brought my latest shoulder to a party, unwrapped it, basked in the ewws and awes, pulled it, set out some sauce and let the carnivores descend and devour. Bob
  12. B

    Pork Butt Cook

    Despite my mistakes the wsm delivered a pretty darn good shoulder: Can't wait for my next overnighter! Bob
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    Pork Butt Cook

    FYI I'm at hour 15 and I made two errors with my minion method: 1. My cooker is out of round and leaks air pretty bad-gotta fix it! 2. I didn't cose down the vents quick enough on the way up. Ergo, the first few hours of the cook the wsm ran steady around 290. Meat on at 8pm, me asleep at...
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    Pork Butt Cook

    Thanks Paul. This will also be my first run with the big Brinkmann pan, so I won't babysit the WSM. It's going on about 8 tonight. I can't wait to unveil it at the party I'm attending Monday afternoon. Bob
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    Pork Butt Cook

    I'm planning the same with an 8lb bone-in Pork shoulder. Will I get any sleep if I use the Minion Method? Funny I can never find Boston Butt where I live: Boston Massachusetts! Bob in Boston
  16. B

    WSM operation w/o pan

    Seems to me that if you don't use the pan you are basically grilling. Then again your meat is so far from the cooking surface you will end up baking. I'm yet to see any pics of a WSM with flames shooting out the bottom but it would certainly be entertaining Bob
  17. B

    Chris' Meatloaf

    Actually my (not too friendly for bbq meats but oh so convenient) supermarket had no ground pork. I had my 4 year old in tow and was running out of time so I prepared it all beef. I'm grinding up some pork tonight for chorizo so I'll give it a shot closer to Chris' recipe. TVWB Rules! Bob
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    Chris' Meatloaf

    Chris A. scores another winner with his meatloaf recipe! I basically followed his ingredients, foiled the pan and let 'er rip. Of course the WSM held close to 350 like a champ and my 2.5 lb loaf came off 1 hour 15 minutes later just over 160 internal. Clean up was quick and easy. My "I don't...
  19. B

    New Pan Ordered Old one?

    Yes, I ordered directly from their website via a link I found somewhere here. I wasn't on the mood to shop around so I paid full price. Should arrive any day now. Bob
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    New Pan Ordered Old one?

    Finally ordered a new Brinkmann pan. ( The 114-0002-0 Porcelain-Coated Charcoal Pan--> thanks for the link!)...

