Well after reading alot of info here I tried my WSM on 2 slabs of loin ribs and 2 fillets of salmon. I marinated them overnight then out of fridge until room temp before smoking.
I let the WSM season for a couple hours with 3 layers of Kingsford charcoal and 3 chunks of white oak and 2 chunks of hickory. Each chunk was about 2"x2"x4"long. One chimney half full of hot/grey coals were used for the MM method.
I foiled the water pan under then above and filled with water. Pan not very secure,wish the pan lip were wider for safety.
I drove my neighbors indoors with the smoke I made!
Sunday was a beautiful day here in Southern FL. (Mia).
When temp at top vent droped to 250 I laid the ribs on top rack then closed the 3 bottom vents to 1/2 open and top vent to full open.
Things were looking pretty good and smelling great. At the 2hr mark ~225deg I looked inside to see how the coals and water level were. I added some hot water, gently tapped the outside legs then gently moved the coals around and added 8 unlit coals. At the 3hr mark temp was at ~230deg and a tooth pick went thru the largest meat like hot butter. My SO wanted the ribs moped with bbq sauce so onto my Weber grill they went for a quick 5min.
Final results:
Ribs became a bit dry but still tasted pretty good all things considered.
After the ribs were off the smoker I placed the salmon on and check until meat flaked. Fish came out tastier to me than the ribs tho.
Looking forward to my next smoke!
Thanks for all the good folks here helping me with your posts.
I let the WSM season for a couple hours with 3 layers of Kingsford charcoal and 3 chunks of white oak and 2 chunks of hickory. Each chunk was about 2"x2"x4"long. One chimney half full of hot/grey coals were used for the MM method.
I foiled the water pan under then above and filled with water. Pan not very secure,wish the pan lip were wider for safety.
I drove my neighbors indoors with the smoke I made!

Sunday was a beautiful day here in Southern FL. (Mia).
When temp at top vent droped to 250 I laid the ribs on top rack then closed the 3 bottom vents to 1/2 open and top vent to full open.
Things were looking pretty good and smelling great. At the 2hr mark ~225deg I looked inside to see how the coals and water level were. I added some hot water, gently tapped the outside legs then gently moved the coals around and added 8 unlit coals. At the 3hr mark temp was at ~230deg and a tooth pick went thru the largest meat like hot butter. My SO wanted the ribs moped with bbq sauce so onto my Weber grill they went for a quick 5min.
Final results:
Ribs became a bit dry but still tasted pretty good all things considered.
After the ribs were off the smoker I placed the salmon on and check until meat flaked. Fish came out tastier to me than the ribs tho.
Looking forward to my next smoke!

Thanks for all the good folks here helping me with your posts.