Chris' Meatloaf

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Bob Marlatt

TVWBB Member
Chris A. scores another winner with his meatloaf recipe! I basically followed his ingredients, foiled the pan and let 'er rip. Of course the WSM held close to 350 like a champ and my 2.5 lb loaf came off 1 hour 15 minutes later just over 160 internal.

Clean up was quick and easy. My "I don't like smoke" wife was impressed with the results, and very surprised to hear how I made it. Once again Chris: "You da man!"

Yes the meatloaf is outstanding. We do a slight variation by reducing the ground pork to 1lb and increasing the ground beef to 2 lbs. I cook the loaf in a wire colender to get a better smoke.

Very tasty.
Actually my (not too friendly for bbq meats but oh so convenient) supermarket had no ground pork. I had my 4 year old in tow and was running out of time so I prepared it all beef. I'm grinding up some pork tonight for chorizo so I'll give it a shot closer to Chris' recipe.

TVWB Rules!

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