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  1. B

    I shall call it "Marco"

    Any updates or pics of this projest?
  2. B

    Finally Brave enough to post it!

    Awesome mods. I love the table. Although I don't understand why you need a gas mod when the WSM will run for several hours on lump coal with little to no adjustments. I just got 17+ hours out of one ring of lump this past weekend. I only shut it down because I was out of stuff to smoke. I would...
  3. B

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!! (pics)

    I basted the turkey maybe 3 or 4 times. I'm not sure if it helped with flavor at all but I think it did help with color. I didn't put butter under the skin but that's a great idea. I brined it like I said above (not sure if that did anything either) for 4-5 hours. There was some fat deposits...
  4. B

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!! (pics)

    I'll post the dessert recipe when my wife gets back from Chicago on Tuesday.
  5. B

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!! (pics)

    On Saturday we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving since my wife is Canadian. I smoked a turkey breast and it was awesome. I used a high heat method (300-350 degrees) for about 2.5-3 hours. I only had time to brine it for about 4.5 hours before the smoke but it was super juicy even though some of...
  6. B

    WSM X2 mOD

    Awesome idea. I bet you have no more than a 10 degree difference between the 2 sections once it's up to temp. Do you use lump? I think the wsm was made for lump charcoal.
  7. B

    Re-heating Fatties at work?

    I have used a toaster oven and microwave at work before. For the Toaster oven I keep the fattie wrapped in foil and give it about 20 minues @350-375 degrees. For the microwave I slice and heat up for 30 seconds at a time until hot. Either way they only last about 2 minutes.
  8. B

    WSM Cart with slide out drawer

    That cart is awesome!!! I love the drawer idea. What is the last picture of?
  9. B

    I shall call it "Marco"

    So you're the guy looking for the 18" OTP. I always wondered if it was someone from the forums. Did you get a good deal on it? The grill looks like it's in great condition. Good Luck and keep the pics coming.
  10. B

    New WSMs around town

    I thought since we are all on the hunt for info regarding the new WSM we might need a central place to post links and the such. I found this on Not much info but he seems to know the price. I don't...
  11. B

    The WSM just wont stop!!!! pics

    I did not use mustard on the butt. Just some rub. That pic was taken right after I brushed on a brown sugar glaze. I usually do that about 10 minutes before I take it off the smoker to cut any bitterness that might have formed on the bark. I haven't used mustard slather every much. Mostly...
  12. B

    The WSM just wont stop!!!! pics

    Here are some pics of some of my lastest cooks. Last week I made 2 fatties for my wifes company field day. They went over very well. I wish I had sampled one. These are stuffed with garlic cream cheese and some slices of cheddar. I made some ABTs with jalapeno's from my garden. I added...
  13. B

    New Pricing info - kinda

    I had a nice conversation with a WSM distributor that said he has the new product list w/ 2 new model numbers for the WSM and new msrp. He could not tell me the new price but said the items should be available prior to Christmas and the new price was "significantly higher".
  14. B

    New WSMs for 2009

    Chris, I totally agree with you. I got my first smoker, an ECB Deluxe as a b-day gift about 5 years ago and after using it 4 times I threw it under the deck to rot. After I got my WSM back in February I dug the ECB out and put it in the trash becuase I didn't want the WSM to see it. I'm...
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    New WSMs for 2009

    Isn't that the point? That's how Brinkmann became the world's largest bbq smoker manufacturer. Their stuff only lasts for about 2 seasons so they have a great revenue cycle with repeat customers.
  16. B

    New WSMs for 2009

    Does anyone have a picture of the new 26" kettle or any more info about it?
  17. B

    New WSMs for 2009

    These are tears of joy running down my face. I'm glad Weber finally came around. This summer I switched my smoker and charcoal grill over to weber. Looks like I'll be updating them soon to the larger models. Any ideas on how to sneak this past the wife?
  18. B

    Lump Question

    You might want to pick up the charcoal grate for the 18" kettle if you plan on using lump in the WSM. It fits into the charcoal ring and helps prevent smaller pieces of lump from passing through the original grate.
  19. B

    Lump Question

    I take 3-4 big pieces and a few smaller ones (way less than a 1/4 full chimney) and get them going really hot. I lay them out evenly on top of the unlit lump. Be sure to give your charcoal ring a few shakes to fill in the gaps. Watch your temps going up. I shut down one vent 100% and the other...
  20. B

    Country Style Ribs w/ pics

    Thanks for trying them. I kinda made them up as I went along. I think next I will foil them longer as well. I just didn't have the time.

