The WSM just wont stop!!!! pics


Branon S.

TVWBB Super Fan
Here are some pics of some of my lastest cooks.

Last week I made 2 fatties for my wifes company field day. They went over very well. I wish I had sampled one. These are stuffed with garlic cream cheese and some slices of cheddar.

I made some ABTs with jalapeno's from my garden. I added brown sugar to the top. Loved them!!!


Did an overnight pork butt cook Friday night.

The meat was super tender and juicy but there wasn't much of a smoke ring.

Right now I have 2 racks of spares and a small rack of beef ribs on the wsm. I used Paul Kirks mustard slather. 1/2 cup mustard, 1/4 cup cider vinegar & 1/4 cup good beer.

I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend!
I did not use mustard on the butt. Just some rub. That pic was taken right after I brushed on a brown sugar glaze. I usually do that about 10 minutes before I take it off the smoker to cut any bitterness that might have formed on the bark.

I haven't used mustard slather every much. Mostly because of the mess. I hope it turns out ok on the ribs.
Beautiful results. That PP sure looks juicy. Try a mustard based smear, for your rub to adhere to, and avoid the sugar next time, to see if you get better smoke absortion. Of course the larger contributing factor is having sufficient smoke being generated in the first place. Poor smoke ring formation could easily be due to not enough wood.

Your pictures really got me jonesin' for a fatty. My favorite method so far is to wrap em up with cream cheese, and diced dried apricots. The sweet and creamy balance of those combined with the smokey depth of the sausage and rub makes one hell of an appetizer.

