Search results

  1. J Pichey

    Our St Paddy's Day PSB

    Mouth is a waterin'
  2. J Pichey

    Crab-Stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp & Grilled Mussels

    That is some great looking stuff. Well done SIR.
  3. J Pichey

    Saturday Thick Cut Chop Lampe Style

    Looks great. I like the way you do things.
  4. J Pichey

    Tri Tip Sandwiches Last Night

    Great looking dinner. Perfect Med Rare.
  5. J Pichey

    Spares, Wings and Mac N Cheese

    That is some great looking grub. It's time to try this Mac N Cheese on the smoker idea.
  6. J Pichey

    Day off, guests coming, time for 3-2-1 ribs!

    Hey Mitch, Great looking REEEBS. You used my favorite sauce which is Slowpoke BBQ Spicy Apple. I love this sauce. Has some great heat and great apple flavor. Great choice.
  7. J Pichey

    Question about Butcher Paper

    I am thinking about giving the butcher paper method a try and had a question about butcher paper. It's difficult finding it local and can get pricey buying it on line because of the shipping. I went to Home Depot today and found a few items that looked like butcher paper. One is called Brown...
  8. J Pichey

    Armadillo Eggs/Stuffed Mini Meatloaf, whatever?

    Looks good. I will be trying these soon.
  9. J Pichey

    Ultimate Wind Shield and Rain Cover

    Love that set up. If you ever sell that house and a BBQ'er is interested, you just increased the value of your house significantly. ;;)
  10. J Pichey

    Many questions on building the Mini wsm

    +1. I couldn't agree more.
  11. J Pichey

    Many questions on building the Mini wsm

    Sorry, I was confused. It's hard for me to help on the hole drilling as I always remove the entire bottom. It's just easier for me. I prefer EASY. ;)
  12. J Pichey

    Many questions on building the Mini wsm

    I'm not sure what your asking on this. "Larger holes toward the outside"????
  13. J Pichey

    Large Cuts Of Grilled Pork

    How long did you cook the taters? Were these done on the grill as well? Great looking plate.
  14. J Pichey

    Many questions on building the Mini wsm

    Yes. You will still need the extra grate to lay the diffuser on top of. Get 2 extra. 1 will come with the smokey joe. I would get one of the heavier pans for the diffuser so that it can withstand the weight of the meat. if you are cooking a 9 lb pork butt, you will need it to hold up to the...
  15. J Pichey

    Many questions on building the Mini wsm

    I've let mine go for 12 hours for a pork butt. The charcoal was built up like a pyramid and was high enough to poke thru the hole in the bottom of the tamale pot. You can use a grate to hold the diffuser. Get this from home depot or amazon.
  16. J Pichey

    1st 22.5 cook

    Welcome. Great looking cook.
  17. J Pichey

    Many questions on building the Mini wsm

    Drill out the bottom if you are planning on doing some longer cooks. This allows for more charcoal in the bottom. It's quicker to cut out the bottom than it is to drill a bunch of holes. Tin snips work great for this. Takes all of 3-4 mins. Find the cheapest pan you can find and foil it. I...
  18. J Pichey

    I was right

    That's a great looking sammy. Well done.
  19. J Pichey

    big and small pix

  20. J Pichey

    1st attempt at chuck roast

    +1.... It will get there.

