Jim Lampe
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Tuesday dinner started with peeled slabs of sweet potatoes on a cast iron skillet
marinated these two in Wicker's overnight then seasoned with odds and ends of leftover rubs
those are about 2 inches thick, they'll take a while.
fired up the 26"OTG inside the snowy PV
then poured a Tanqueray and Schweppes
did about a 4 minute sear each side...
then indirect until perfect
removed the chops when the internal temp hit 140ºF., foil tented & rested for about a long 15 minutes.
marinated these two in Wicker's overnight then seasoned with odds and ends of leftover rubs
those are about 2 inches thick, they'll take a while.
fired up the 26"OTG inside the snowy PV
did about a 4 minute sear each side...
then indirect until perfect

removed the chops when the internal temp hit 140ºF., foil tented & rested for about a long 15 minutes.