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  1. russ olin

    Football is back baby!

    Bronco fan here.
  2. russ olin

    Labor Day Ribs

    Nice ribs ChuckO & son.
  3. russ olin

    Seeking Handgun Insight

    I agree with some of this, but not a lot of it. Yes, the 410 round is a expensive round to shoot these days. If you can even find any. As far as not having the rear stock that makes it faster to shoot not slower. The time it takes to get the stock to your shoulder I will already have fired a...
  4. russ olin

    Poly twine in B&B charcoal

    Well...... this is the reason that I only burn lump charcoal. Briquettes are the hot dogs of the charcoal world. Just think of all the stuff that you don't see in them. You know like rat droppings, bugs that got mixed in the manufacturing process & then the DNA of them mixed into all the...
  5. russ olin

    Seeking Handgun Insight

    Interesting thread. But, for someone starting out & needing a home defense weapon. Once again I nominate Henry 410 lever action Axe shotgun. Why? The hogleg shotgun is very short, weighs only 6lbs. And is easy to hit with what you are aiming at. And is easy to learn to shoot for a beginner...
  6. russ olin

    Happy birthday to me!

    Have a guud one, Cheers, Russ
  7. russ olin

    Best 410 Home Defense

    I nominate my 410 Henry Axe. Its a great home defense weapon for smaller people or older people that don't want to put up with the recoil of a 12 gauge shotgun. The Henry Axe weighs just under 6lbs. Carries 5 2.5 inch 410 shotgun shell rounds in the tube. And one in the chamber if you like. Its...
  8. russ olin

    Best Lump Gun in the West

    No, your words didn't come across wrong. I like all opinions. I'm just saying that when you light your charcoals in the grill that you are grilling in as soon as the charcoals start getting warm the grill warms up too. In a chimney the only thing that gets warm in the chimney is the charcoals &...
  9. russ olin

    Best Lump Gun in the West

    Well, as far as taking 10 minutes to light charcoal in a chimney with bacon grease & napkin this gun will do that in 60 seconds. In the grill your using you don't have to pick up the chimney charcoal & dump it in the grill hoping that you don't spill any hot pieces. I haven't used a chimney...
  10. russ olin

    Shucking Corn

    Have always shucked the corn before its dropped in a pot of boiling water for 3-4 mins. Tried to grill a few times & we prefer the boiling water way.
  11. russ olin

    Best Lump Gun in the West

    Tried out one of these Grill Blazer Grill Guns. They cost a little coin so are they worth it? Yes, yes & yes it is. I'd never have lite JD Lump as fast as the Grill Gun can do it. Says it can produce up to 400,000 BTU's. I wouldn't doubt it. It really works well with JD Lump because that...
  12. russ olin

    500 days until retirement

    Interesting retirement stories. Me & my dad owned a heavy dirt moving construction outfit in the four corners mtn states area for 25 years. During the great Bush crash of 2008 the bottom fell out of the industry. Sold all of our heavy equipment at top dollar, 30 days later it was not worth half...
  13. russ olin

    Jealous Devil ONYX Binchotan Charcoal

    As a person who promoted Jealous Devil Charcoal on this site several years ago. And still love & use the lump today. I decided to try a box of this Onyx charcoal a while back to see what all the hype was about. When I opened the box & picked through the charcoal to see what it was like the...
  14. russ olin


    Well, after getting back with our bank we found out you have to be signed up with them to be notified for any changes to your account. We were not. I guess some of this is on us then. But we just didn't know you had to be signed up. I guess that we are just too old school. Anyway we are all...
  15. russ olin


    Yep, we are all on this now. The banks fraud dept advised us on the best things that we were to do. Hopefully this will be the end of it. Time will tell. Not only do some want our money, some want our cars & vehicles. Some want our houses. Here we stay locked & loaded 24/7.
  16. russ olin


    Hey man, glad you guys didn't loose any money. And Barb caught it quick. These guys once they got in they just watched the account for 3 weeks before they took what they took. And then continued till we caught on. Hope life finds both of you doing real well.
  17. russ olin


    Actually you are right on the money. We asked the bank why they didn't slip us a notice that says our acct had been updated. and we would have known instantly that someone was messing with our bank acct. And since they waited several days to draw the money we could have shut down the acct before...
  18. russ olin


    Recently this story happened to me & the wife. This spring my wife applied for her social security. This was done over the phone by one of their agents. I had filed 3 or 4 years earlier. Never no problems. In April she did her phone call interview, I also had to give out my info again because...
  19. russ olin

    New Kitty

    It can stay at your house Chuck-O. Our dogs have been sprayed one too many times. Got my wife a big spot light, AKA the skunk light.
  20. russ olin

    What Causes Green Pork Butts?


