russ olin
Closed Account
Recently this story happened to me & the wife. This spring my wife applied for her social security. This was done over the phone by one of their agents. I had filed 3 or 4 years earlier. Never no problems. In April she did her phone call interview, I also had to give out my info again because she drew off of me. No problems everything seems to be going fine. The wife noticed our monthly bank statement didn't show up in the mail. She calls the bank, they tell her that we are set up electronically. It was a BIG RED FLAG that we did not catch right away. She goes to the bank & they print out a statement for her. Long story short somebody got my information set up online banking in our checking acct. A month & half after the wife set up her SS. Sometime later we learned the bank says there in another email with our checking acct. Bingo! $25,000 gone. Just like that. They did leave us a little money... LOL Lucky for us if you catch this within 60 days your money is replaced by the bank. If you don't catch it within the 60 days you get hosed for however much money that they steal. We didn't know this but we sure do now. Best thing you can do is watch all your accts regularly. And if it does happen you put a fraud alert on your accts & SS#. People have been known to buy a house, car ect with someone elses SS#.
If anyone else has been through with this I would love to hear your story & what you did. And the best ways to combat this in the future.
p.s. stay sharp some one wants everything that you have.
If anyone else has been through with this I would love to hear your story & what you did. And the best ways to combat this in the future.
p.s. stay sharp some one wants everything that you have.