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  1. R

    pulled much $ per lb.?

    Around $750.00 a year for a $1,000,000.00 in coverage.
  2. R

    Lessons from 1st Meatloaf Smoke

    Pierced foil and parchment paper are fine but not necessary. Form your loaf, chill, then place the loaf directly on a hot grate. If you're using a good lump charcoal, wood isn't even needed. Keep it simple! Rick
  3. R

    Where can I buy Apple wood chunks?

    Great story Hersh and a perfect example of what I was saying, or as my 4 year old would say .. "That's what I'm tawkin' bout!" Had a lady call me yesterday and ask me if wanted any crabapple or sweet gum wood. I could have all I wanted. I politely declined. Thing is, she got my number from a...
  4. R

    real cured ham?

    Maybe that's why they're called green hams? Never tried one myself, but I will someday.
  5. R

    Pork butt and ribs link?

    Not sure if you're doing babybacks or spares (StL cut?) or when you want it done by but, if it were me ... A good full ring of charcoal. Lit whatever manner you chose. Cook at 250* Butt should take around 9-10 hours. I'd put the ribs on at around the time the internal on the butt is between 175...
  6. R

    Where can I buy Apple wood chunks?

    Craig, you should be able to get a TON of peach wood though! I'm just sayin' Seriously though guys, and this goes for anybody. As long as you live in a region that can grow fruit trees ... There is no need to pay a bunch of money for wood! Find a local orchard or two and stop in as a customer...
  7. R

    How much pork for a party of 40?

    Three 8 lb butts will cover it. Four if you want larger sandwiches or leftovers. Rick
  8. R

    First Cook in 22" - First time with REAL smoker

    The shoulder (and some picnics) will have the skin on. I'm in the group the usually removes the skin. Not always, but more often than not. I prefer the bark. Both ways are good and neither is leaps and bounds better than the other. If it's a butt, I just put crosshatches in the fat, rub it down...
  9. R

    Brisket at 160 after 14 hours??

    I agree Ed, but a 7 lb flat for over 14 hrs? That's a bit much. Even at 225* I wouldn't think it'd take that long. Have you moved the probe at all to see what the temps are in other sections of the flat? Personally, I would've bumped the heat up at that point to about 275* or so and I...
  10. R

    Wood pellets OR Chunks???

    About chips ... (not you Tom) When asked about burning wood chips in the WSM I remember reading a quote by Dr BBQ that went something like this: "It doesn't matter if you use logs, chunks, or chips for your source of smoke. What does matter is the amount of airflow you have that prevents...
  11. R

    Thermapen, BIG!

    Not sure the number of mine but it's six inches closed and eleven inches opened. You're gonna love it!
  12. R

    easy math (for you guys)

    Maybe it was just me but that sure sounded like a "Big Ten" dig on Bruce. Play nice boys! Rick the "Illini Guy"
  13. R

    Saint Louis Folks - Where do you get your wood?

    Not the cheapest or the closest, but they'll have anything you're looking for. Any cut, size, or flavor. They have it all. Smoke N Fire 636-256-6564 15053 Manchester Road Ballwin, MO. 63011
  14. R

    Another CL purchase

    Found me a Weber Ranch kettle on CL yesterday. It's missing a locking caster on the front (replaceable) and part of the lid's lip has some damage from being dropped (not enough damage to affect the seal though). Other than that it's in perfect "used" shape. I drove an hour and paid $200 for it...
  15. R

    Best Store Bought BBQ Rubs for Ribs, Chicken??

    Beings you're in Fla. and are asking for a store bought rub, I'd say Buttrub. The main offices for Buttrub are in Santa Rosa Beach, Fla. So it should be readily available in your area. If you decide to go online, I'd suggest Blues Hog Dry Rub. I like mixing the two together (Buttrub/Blues Hog)...
  16. R

    Help with Butts & Chicken for a party this Sat.

    Well Steve ... how'd it go?
  17. R

    Help with Butts & Chicken for a party this Sat.

    Okay Kevin, I guess I should've said, "cool first," I knew you'd cover for me. Thanks! For the record: I wouldn't want to do the pulled chicken either. Not a big fan of it myself.
  18. R

    Help with Butts & Chicken for a party this Sat.

    Calm down Steve, it'll be okay. First off, the butts. Two on top-fat side up, two on bottom-fat side down. Dome temp of 265* The butts on bottom will cook slower. If you want them to get done all at about the same time rotate them after about 6-7 hrs. OR ... just take the top two off when done...
  19. R

    Amusement Park Turkey Legs

    I cheat a little when I get turkey legs. I buy the pre-smoked turkey legs from Sam's and reheat them on the smoker. Even though the directions say to just reheat till warm, I still take them up to 165* before serving. Never a problem with a lack of moisture. Now the black issue I've had myself...
  20. R


    I do it somewhat different than Bryan, but it's the same concept, sorta. On a cutting board take a lb of sausage and make your square, put your filling in the square leaving about an inch on each end, left and right. (I usually place the filling about 2 inches from the edge closest to me as...

