Pork butt and ribs link?


John Monk

TVWBB Member
I'm considering cooking a 6.5 pound butt and two racks of ribs. I was going to set the butt on an overnight course...I'm wondering what others experience has been in terms of adding the ribs...specifically at what point did you add the ribs? How much fuel did you need? et cetera. I'm using charcoal with hickory chunks. My understanding is that the pork butt will take much more time to cook, so I should add the ribs later in the cook. I searched links, but admittedly didn't find any solid advice...which probably speaks more to my ability to search correctly than lack of information on the forum. Thanks!
Not sure if you're doing babybacks or spares (StL cut?) or when you want it done by but, if it were me ...

A good full ring of charcoal. Lit whatever manner you chose. Cook at 250* Butt should take around 9-10 hours. I'd put the ribs on at around the time the internal on the butt is between 175 and 180*. Depending on the type of ribs you're cooking that should get the butt done a little before the ribs. That way you'll have a little time to rest the butt while the ribs finish up.

Hope that helps.

