First Cook in 22" - First time with REAL smoker



TVWBB Member
So, I'm going to cook some ribs for dinner and shoulder for tommorow and work.

I have a question regarding pork shoulder. I see it referred to as picnic, shoulder, and butt. From what I know, all 3 are the same foreleg shoulder cut. But some posters seem to distinguish between them. Is there a difference?

And while I love the chiccharones on a crispy shoulder, will it smoke better (bark wise) with the shoulder off? In which case, lay it back on top or off to side? Finally, do you trim some of the fat off? I guess there is a trade off between the fat keeping the meat moist and bark formation.

the picnic is the lower part of the shoulder and the butt is the top part. the shoulder is the entire front leg of the pig(minus the foot).
The shoulder (and some picnics) will have the skin on. I'm in the group the usually removes the skin. Not always, but more often than not. I prefer the bark. Both ways are good and neither is leaps and bounds better than the other. If it's a butt, I just put crosshatches in the fat, rub it down and throw it on the smoker.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Shelly:
And while I love the chiccharones on a crispy shoulder, will it smoke better (bark wise) with the shoulder off? In which case, lay it back on top or off to side? Finally, do you trim some of the fat off? I guess there is a trade off between the fat keeping the meat moist and bark formation.
Thanks. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
You'll definitely get more bark with the skin removed and, like you said, you can lay it beside to make chicharrones. I remove as much fat as I can because the shoulder is already a fatty cut and doesn't really need any more. Also, the meat will get a better smoke penetration with as much fat removed as possible. Once the bark is formed, the internal fat will keep the roast plenty moist as it smokes. Good luck. Get pics.

