easy math (for you guys)


Dan H.

my girl is still workin so cant ask her. OBVIOUSLY having a brain malfunction, but 2 LBS. of cure recommended for 100 lbs of meat, so for 5lbs. of meat ....uh.... uh... I debated not posting this but then I thought.. "hey, they dont know what i look like, they wont see me in public and point and laugh"
! thanks guys.
Hey Dan,
If its 2# per 100#, then for 5# meat use 32 ounces divided by 20 (5 is 1/20 of 100), so 32/20=1.6 ounces.
im thinkin' 2lbs. to 100lbs. OR 32oz. to 100lbs... same thing.. so, 100 devided by 32 is 3.125 OR 3.125 lbs. of meat., i think, right? so im thinkin that 1 oz. of cure per 3.125 lbs. of meat..... holy crap im dumb, see what happens when you go to school in a small town. anyway im gonna pretend im right and the last question would be with curing (dry) is 1 oz. to 3 lbs. is probably close enough im thinking. im deleting this after your next respose, this is embarrassing. thanks george.
Why not make the whole thing really simple and do 100 lbs of meat?

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