Search results

  1. G

    Memorial Day Pork Steaks

    Very nice Jim!! Headed back to St. Louis in a couple of weeks and Maulls is on my list of things to bring back to the desert.
  2. G

    Smoke Day 9 at the Pig Pen

    Sounds like a just reward for finishing a job like that!
  3. G

    Smoke Day 9 - Pepper Stout Beef

    Thanks for the comments everyone. And Clay...I've already got three portions packed up and ready to take to friends at work on Tuesday. Maybe now they'll understand why I'm always looking at pics of food on this site when they walk by my desk.
  4. G

    Kingsford on sale at Walmart

    Check Lowe's!! In Phoenix, they have 2x20lb packs for $9.99. Half the price it normally is at Sam's. I've picked up 8 2-packs so far. Thinking about going and getting more tomorrow.
  5. G

    When do the kingsford charcoal deals start???

    Same here in Phoenix. Bought 8 2-packs. They didn't give me any trouble even though the sign said that there was a max of two. Half off of what I usually get them for at Sam's.
  6. G

    Smoke Day 9 - Pepper Stout Beef

    Was planning on a brisket but ended up with a couple of extra kids around the house for the weekend. Too busy to try and deal with after staying up most of the night tending to a brisket. So...Pepper Stout Beef instead. Kept seeing posts with it and thought it looked wonderful...I was right...
  7. G

    Happy Smoke/Memorial Day Weekend!

    Happy Smoke Day to everyone!! Getting started here in Phoenix. Chuck roast is peppered and salted and WSM is heating up. Ready to do my first Pepper Stout Beef. If it turns out half as good as the pics I've seen on this site, it will be a good cook.
  8. G

    4th cook on WSM (2nd attempt at babybacks)

    Those look awesome Brian! Haven't tried foiling my ribs yet. Been using the BRITU method (just did some today). Foiling will happen with my next cook. Thanks for posting.
  9. G

    The Queen of the Castle said "Let Them Eat Ribs..."

    "...and Crash Potatoes!" Wife is a nurse and usually is working on Saturday and Sunday so it was a joy to have her home for Mother's Day. She decided on ribs and crash potatoes for her big day. The royal subjects were thrilled to have her home and thrilled with her choice for the feast! The...
  10. G

    Hi From St. Charles, MO. Michael Van Downen

    Good to hear from St. Charles. Grew up in Florissant and St. in Phoenix. Looks good Michael. Welcome!
  11. G

    The Big Red Music and Rib Festival

    It's in Glendale, AZ this weekend as a part of the celebration by the football Cardinals for the draft. It's about 60 miles away and I'd be dragging four kids with me. Still undecided on whether I'm going. Any of the Phoenix people on this board going or been to a previous one? Anybody a...
  12. G

    Prime Tri Tip Down on the Farm

    Great cook...and thanks for the pics. This St. Louis boy misses the beautiful GREEN. All we have out here is BROWN, BROWN, BROWN!!!
  13. G

    How do you serve your Boston Butt?

    Hamburger buns...but they have to be really fresh!! Otherwise they crumble apart and defeat the purpose of soaking up all the goodness. Rest of the family likes to put them on some King's Original Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. Gotta have some slaw on them if available and the last batch I made I took...
  14. G

    Fresh Kielbasa smoked with apple and hickory wood.

    You're killin' me!! I'm scrolling down waiting to drool over the plated pic. Those things look awesome!!
  15. G

    SHOW US YOUR BBQ PIT CAVE (pics!!) :)

    My little piece of of paradise. (Notice there aren't any of my four kids running around screaming their heads off. So it was paradise for that particular second that I snapped the pic.) In the 20 minutes between snapping the pic and writing this post...paradise gone. It was fun while it...
  16. G


    Awesome stuff all around! Posts like this are why this place is so much better than any old book of recipes.
  17. G

    Corned beef and cabbage.

    Looks great Mike!!
  18. G

    Pork Steaks from a St. Louis Boy

    Thanks guys. Four adults and five kids under 11, we had some leftovers but they heat up nice. Dem taters leftovers also make for a hearty breakfast. Just heat them up in a skillet and mix in about 4-5 eggs. Let the eggs firm up while stirring and you basically have country eggs and taters...
  19. G

    Pork Steaks from a St. Louis Boy

    Had some friends coming over tonight for dinner and hanging out (mostly to let the kids run around and burn off some pent up spring break energy). Wanted to give them a taste of St. Louis so did up some pork steaks and a creation we call "dem taters". Seasoning the pork steaks with soy sauce...
  20. G

    Missouri Spares

    This St. Louis boy is craving some Maull's. Do you buy it local or order it off the website? Been thinking I need to get some from the website since nobody from St. Louis wants to ship me any. Great looking cook Jim!!

