Search results

  1. Wil A

    Grilling corn?

    A little late to the game here, but this is what I do every time... ...pull each individual part of the husk down, remove the silk, pull everything back up and then grill. When finished, I break the end of the stalk off, pulling off the husk and then apply various "toppings" if so inclined...
  2. Wil A

    Greetings from Ontario, Canada!

    Welcome Michelle. You'll find plenty of happiness here!
  3. Wil A

    14.5" WSM Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Also done. After cooking three racks of ribs on my 14.5 (each rack joined end to end with skewers with two racks on top and one on the bottom), I have zero need nor desire to spend the extra money for a bigger WSM. Honestly, I consider the 14.5 my best Weber purchase ever.
  4. Wil A

    Tie-Breaker - Throwdown #20: Pork Chops

    Late to to vote...really too late since the winner's been declared. I have a question though...I wonder how much of one's vote for the dish comes from the actual photos? I mean, I really liked the way one of these dishes was cooked, but IMO, the photos did NOT do it justice. I almost feel...
  5. Wil A

    Taco Night

    That looks spectacular Bill! A little light on the heat for the pico huh?!?!
  6. Wil A

    AWOL Pork Butt

    That looks like a great sandwich!
  7. Wil A

    Blueberry Pancake FATTY on Ole Yeller

    The pancake idea is pretty awesome! You did a great job. I think the next Throwdown ought to be Fattys...and the two simple rules would be 1) No naked fattys and 2) Anything goes as far as inside ingredients.
  8. Wil A

    First smoke on my new WSM

    Nice looking cook! By "first official cook," did you mean that you had used the smoker before in a "break-in" kind of way?
  9. Wil A

    Something new for me...

    Thanks guys. I had them on for about an hour and a half with the smoker running around 240-250. Crab meat and bacon...ummm!!
  10. Wil A

    Something new for me...

    I figured that I'd make some deviled eggs today, but instead of boiling the eggs, I thought to put them on the 14.5... They tasted much better then they looked :cool: I used peach wood, but there really wasn't any smoke flavor to speak of. I'm wondering if the "divot" in...
  11. Wil A

    Stuffed Pork Chops

    I'll take a plate please! Great job.
  12. Wil A

    Just the usual....

    Looks awesome as always Tony!
  13. Wil A

    snowmageddon and beer brats

    Awesome! I love these "snow days" here in the south...since everything shuts down at 2+ inches, it gives us all time to do what we do best. Beer brats and whiskey? Not a thing wrong with that! Thanks for sharing.
  14. Wil A

    Carne asada research and cook.

    My wife's Grandfather would have been your best friend! Sweet cook and a great job for sure!
  15. Wil A

    Hump Day Bacon Cheese

    Hear, hear. Great cook Scott.
  16. Wil A

    Prime Rib, Potatoes, and Mushrooms! and ICE!!

    Your cook makes me want to go out and buy a prime rib. Isn't the 14.5 just awesome?!?!
  17. Wil A

    Spatchcocked Cornish on the WSM

    These looked so good Bill that I'm braving the snow, rain, and hail to get 3 on the 14.5 myself. This was (obviously) an awesome cook!
  18. Wil A

    Saturdays and Sundays cook....

    Also, I forgot to ask - where did you get that raised cast iron disc?
  19. Wil A

    Pork steaks.

    Piri Piri sauce is spectacular; for me, the hotter on pork, the better. That looks like a fantastic dinner. And you can't go wrong with Global knives!
  20. Wil A

    A couple of Fattys...(photo HEAVY)

    Yes it is. Everybody certainly makes a fatty in their own way; I flatten my ground sausage out in a gallon zip lock bag and then cut it so I can lay the flattened sausage out right on the weave. There are a number of folks that like the simple naked fatty (no bacon, no filling), but I've got...

