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  1. Gary H. NJ

    Since I just joined - Here's what I would've posted while lurking!

    Love everything you posted. But that porterhouse!!! Especially that.
  2. Gary H. NJ

    Pink Butcher Paper Spare Ribs

    The ribs look dynamite. Saw that Franklin butcher-wraps his brisket and was wondering about it too.
  3. Gary H. NJ

    Pork Chops and Guac

    We trust you. Love the components.
  4. Gary H. NJ

    Ramen Umami for the CEO

    Bill!!! That is an amazing post. I was just reading how simple it is to make your own ramen noodles.. If course now I have to buy a pasta maker. 🍜
  5. Gary H. NJ

    Finaly Nailed It

    Man that's a good looking plate of food. Bravo.
  6. Gary H. NJ

    A Better Brisket with Coffee BBQ Sauce

    Bob I made a cup of very strong coffee and used that. Espresso works too.
  7. Gary H. NJ

    A Better Brisket with Coffee BBQ Sauce

    I've found that my brisket has improved drastically now that I brine the brisky, and foil it when smoking when I hit a 150F internal temp... Here she is, nearly 14 lb. Brined for ten hours on Saturday with 4 cups apple juice, 12 cups cold water, 1/2 cup kosher salt, 1/4 cup sugar. I know some...
  8. Gary H. NJ

    Mofongo Asada

    You put a lot of love into that carne and it shows. Great post.
  9. Gary H. NJ

    Ribs two ways.

    Yeah the Asian ribs look fantastic.
  10. Gary H. NJ

    Smoke Roasted Sirloin (first post in a while)

    Likewise. Glad the family is safe now. Nothing wrong with that sirloin though.
  11. Gary H. NJ

    My Review of the Performer Deluxe

    Thanks for the review.
  12. Gary H. NJ

    Pizza Pizza

    Nicely done and great pics too.
  13. Gary H. NJ

    Chinese char siu/grilled pork and noodle soup

    Thanks for all the support. Make your own char siu!
  14. Gary H. NJ


    I'd eat that! 🍗
  15. Gary H. NJ

    Grass Fed Steaks

    Hey Bill. Nice post! I had picked up some Aussie steaks last year as well. The problem for me was that they were so lean, they were a bit tough. And without the fat, I had to season heavily so they'd have some flavor. But yours looks great!
  16. Gary H. NJ

    Terriyaki-Garlic-Hot wings in the Q200

    Delicious on a ski day.
  17. Gary H. NJ

    Chinese char siu/grilled pork and noodle soup

    Hey all. I've been enjoying everyone's posts here, even if I don't post comments. A lot of you are living the good life! Last night I started off marinating 2 lb of pork loin (cut in 3/8-1/2 inch slices) in a homemade char siu marinade overnight. The secret ingredient for authentic flavor is...
  18. Gary H. NJ

    Maple Baby Back Ribs - Interrupted

    Yes Tom - the salt sugar combo basically cured the pork before you smoked it. Not a bad thing at all, especially if you liked it. Just means the flavor of the ribs was a bit hammy. Glad it all worked out! If you want to avoid the hammy results, just apply rub and sugar immediately before putting...
  19. Gary H. NJ

    Dutch Baby in a Dutch Oven

    That's s beautiful thing.

