Search results

  1. Clint

    How about some good news?

    We could use some good news! I saw some Sriracha Mayo @ Restaurant Depot today and I almost bit - but then I realized I already have the ingredients
  2. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    There was a limit of five 25# bags of rice at restaurant depot today - one was more than enough for me. I got 16# of oatmeal, 8# of peanut butter, 25# of flour, & a gallon of syrup.... I should be good for a while. .....also got 10# of frozen cod filets - I didn't even look at their fresh...
  3. Clint

    Refrigerator brands and longevity

    crazy how all this works. My washer/dryer set from ~16 years ago are still going strong - only things that have been fixed on them was I had a drill bit get sucked into the pump which I found/removed & it's been good since, & I replaced the start button on the dryer. My LG dishwasher lasted ~1...
  4. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19 You're welcome.
  5. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    Seems like it'll be around for a while. It's scary to me, I'm sure I'll get it judging on my friends exposure and lack of caution. I feel like hiding in my house! interactive map...
  6. Clint

    Microwaves - are they all the same? Anyone use a convection mw?

    I'm really liking this - venting to the outside is also well worth it. I replaced my electric oven with a gas ~8 years ago, and I notice a change in air quality when the oven's running, so whenever I fire up the oven, I fire up the exhaust. I cooked a papa murphy pizza the other day & when I...
  7. Clint

    "The Game Changers" DO NOT WATCH on Netflix

    I read this in "Antifragile" yesterday and thought twice about posting this here:
  8. Clint

    Brisket Safe? Sell by date was 2/14/20

    Wet aged
  9. Clint

    Horse Sense

    I always found it easier to kick start a motorcycle than put a bridle on a horse. I've barely ridden a horse since I was a teenager.
  10. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    I was more worried about it until I went out in public today - I'll probably be careful and I got a bunch of hand sanitizers & some aerosol disinfectant spray to spray the random stuff that's sent in for our repairs........... probably not too much to worry about...
  11. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    I think it's time to carry some hand sanitizer.
  12. Clint

    How long will cheese stay vacuum sealed?

    How'd you store it, and more importantly, how'd you resist it for that long?
  13. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19 " How deadly is the coronavirus? Based on data from 44,000 patients with this coronavirus, the WHO says: 81% develop mild symptoms 14% develop severe symptoms 5% become critically ill The proportion dying...
  14. Clint

    Quit Drinking?

    I made it a year! I quit smoking (cigarettes) almost exactly 10 years earlier (11 years ago)
  15. Clint

    Nice Move Chris...

    +1 I don't think it could've turned out better. Good move.
  16. Clint

    First Long Cook on the Camp Chef

    How'd you get room for the pellet smoker? Nice looking cook.
  17. Clint

    Get off of my Lawn!

    I saw the son out there this morning (we're almost friends), he came over & he's like "oh, I know", really nice kid but I wish he'd moved ~15 years ago. Then the mom texts me asking if he's over. I texted her & called her, basically comes down to they're kids and there's really nothing we can...
  18. Clint

    Get off of my Lawn!

    If they're anything like me as a kid, that'll just make it worse. This will become a chance for me to practice patience, or learn to love the rev. I'm no saint either - I've had many BIG parties, and I'm known to wring out the CR250R & other bikes earlier than I should before loading up or...

