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  1. J

    New Case Option for HM v4.3.6/RPi ZeroW

    Nvm, i figured it out, lol.
  2. J

    New Case Option for HM v4.3.6/RPi ZeroW

    Something is not correct. I tried to download the .stl files and upload them to Octoprint and its not uploading. The file size seems really small at 373kb. It should be alot more then that.
  3. J

    New Case Option for HM v4.3.6/RPi ZeroW

    I'll give it a try. Im building a 4.3.3 version with a pi zero for someone. It should work fine with that version.
  4. J

    New build - thermocouple circuit help needed

    Oh, I didnt even know the boards were changed. I use a custom board from the 4.3 version to work with my Adapter board. Anyways, .1u would be on the left and the 1n on the right, just like your blue lines
  5. J

    New build - thermocouple circuit help needed

    If you have the board in front of you and the thermocouple circuit is on the right. 1n is to the left and right of the AD chip. 10n is on top .,1n is on the bottom
  6. J

    New build - thermocouple circuit help needed

    I did find AD8495 on Ebay on a breakout board pretty cheap, couple weeks ago. I bought one, and recieved it a few days ago. Will need to desolder it and solder it onto the HM.
  7. J

    New build - thermocouple circuit help needed

    Im not sure if the AD8497 will work with the Heatermeter as it has a cold junction is 25°C-100°C. This means it would not work correctly unless the ambient temperature was 77°F
  8. J

    Some parts available.

    Yeah, I also saw they were out, and someone wanted me to build a HM. I am moving and decided to look at what I had available today, and stumbled on to the OKIs. I saw they have 10 in stock. The only thing im missing are the AD8495, I found some on ebay for $21 including shipping, but they are...
  9. J

    Some parts available.

    Found a little gold mine. If someone is looking for one, send me a message. I am not going to get rid of them all though. Some old HM buttons(5-way toggle buttons)
  10. J

    Heatermeter becomes unreachable while still connected to WiFi

    I'm use my Note 20 Ultra to connect. As long as I have the web page open one of my tabs, it's good to go. If I don't already have a tab with the HM, it will then becomes unreachable. It's like the HM goes to sleep if nobody communicates to it after a bit of time and won't wake up later if...
  11. J

    Heatermeter becomes unreachable while still connected to WiFi

    It's been a pretty long time since I had to make post, but I have a problem since I downloaded the newest stable version. My HM connects to my wifi without issue and after it connects I can also connect to it without issue. But, if I don't connect to it after a while, I'm not able to connect...
  12. J

    New Heater Meter with weird issue

    I haven't heard of this issue before. You could see if redoing the software would help. As for what would cause the HM software to change on its own is baffling as it would need to recieve a command from either HM or via online web page.
  13. J

    Raspberry Pi Fried, Weird Display! Help!

    It's hard to tell, from what you describe, a lot of us like to see good close ups of the front and back of the board. If you fried your Rpi, then make sure you don't connect it to the HM until you are positive you have it fixed.
  14. J

    Bigger fan options when moving to a bigger smoker?

    Red+ Black- Sometimes the blue wire maybe positive.. I since I know black is negative, you could test each wire. Put the HM at 100% and try red, blue and see what works. The other two wires then can be clipped. As for connecting it to the ethernet wire. If you plug in the cable to the HM...
  15. J

    Bigger fan options when moving to a bigger smoker?

    I have running a bfb1212ff delta blower for years on the same HM, on a RD25 and never have had any issues. I run it 100% rated air flow and it will keep my Stumps GravityFeed Clone at exactly at my desired set temperature.
  16. J

    I love/hate comcast wifi 6 modem/router, need a way to get port forwarding working

    I have a new xfinity modem/router which has the wifi6. I usually don't use the router part of the modem, but this modem has been rock solid and very fast wifi. That being said, I'm at my wits end when trying to get my address to work with xfinity's port forwarding. I have had no luck...
  17. J

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    I used to do these for people all the time, but since having a two kids and tons of work around the house, I haven't had the time. I have a HM board that has the modified connections already done. All that is needed is to solder a switch to the board on its own connector. The SMD soldering...
  18. J

    Old HM Case

    I believe it's the version before changing it from 1 button to 4 buttons. I am pretty sure I don't have a version of the case you are looking for as I purchased my 3d printer well after your version of the HM. Before that, I used to purchase cases from Tom, mostly

