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  1. E

    My 2nd try w/baby backs; advice requested

    I don't rely on the Factory Therm, as I use a DIGIQ II and gauge everything off of it. That would be a pretty good lid temp gauge but lid only. I cook mine at 250 these days, but have done the 225* as Larry taught me a couple of years ago. In fact we did a bazillion racks for a graduation party...
  2. E

    Help with Butt FROZEN!!!

    I just did one this past week and it sure does suck up the fuel. It will lessen your cook time a little as your pit temps will be a little harder to maintain due to the frozen meat, and mine was just barely frozen.The frozen meat will keep the pit temps lower as the frozen meat will keep temps...
  3. E

    Story of the 3 Butts, Mama, Papa, & Baby

    The plants are suffering from smoke inhalation. They look happy to me...
  4. E

    Temp struggles

    No sir Ron, I use an empty water pan since I have the Power Draft system. I have a 6x8 pretty well sealed shed I bought from OSH about three years ago. I used to just keep them in my garage, but since I moved, I wanted more room in the garage for my other toys so the charcoal stores really nice...
  5. E

    Temp struggles

    Where do you store your charcoal Ron?
  6. E

    Temp struggles

    Bill, I used about 17lbs of Rancher.
  7. E

    Temp struggles

    Hey gang, just checked it again and it is holding steady for the time being at 230* and I can live with that. Thanks for your input folks. I usually just read past posts to see what the heck is going on, but I haven't run across this problem, and I thought maybe after being so darn sick this...
  8. E

    Temp struggles

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rick Kramer: More of a question than an answer. I thought with a DIGI Q that other than the single blower hole, all of the bottom vents were closed all...
  9. E

    Temp struggles

    Put a couple of partially frozen Pork Butts (9 lbs each) using 1/2 chimney of lit Ranchers. Initially it started out a bit high at 253* and then I tried bringing it down to my normal 225* cook. At first I thought due to the butts being a little bit frozen still it was keeping my temps down as...
  10. E

    BlackBerry Browser Issues

    I don't know for sure, but I think it's because the thing-a-majig, and the whatchamacaulic, didn't interface, thus causing major confusion with the doohickey. Strictly my professional opinion Larry. HAPPY NEW YEAR DUDE. Your Prime rib looks awesome my friend.
  11. E

    Brisket failure ( I think)

    Cameron, I too went through the same experience that you are going through. Once I learned that the internal temp was not as important as the ease at which the probe enters the meat. I too was more focused on the internal rather than the ease at which the probe enters the center of the brisket...
  12. E

    Spares over baby backs???

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rusty: I was able to buy some baby backs that have already had the membrane removed for $2.29 lbs. I stocked up on those as the cheapest I had seen...
  13. E

    Any bbq gone wrong stories out there?

    Well I know Larry R will remember this one. We had a BBQ bash at the house we used to live at in Fresno, and Larry had his family along with some other friends came over to grill and swim. We were planning on chicken and then doing some hot dogs for the kids. I had planned to do chicken thighs...
  14. E

    First Cook on my 22"?

    If there is one down fall to a temperature control unit such as a Stoker or even a DIGIQ II is your intake of adult beverages will increase. Can't win, I am getting fat either way I go. If I have long cooks, I drink too many beers and then have to help eat what I have cooked, so I guess I have...
  15. E

    First Cook on my 22"?

    What temps are you planning on cooking them at? I have never used a water pan, and before I got my DIGIQ II I just foiled a clay saucer (14") as a heat sink and was able to control the temps somewhat, but just not as easy as with the temperature control unit. If you are using the Stoker, just...
  16. E

    88lbs of butt is schmokin

    OK...where are you guys located? I need to get in on that action. Yes sir, thank goodness we don't get together every weekend like we used to. I'm too **** old for it anymore. My hangovers last two days now. Well I not that old, but after the drinking sometimes I sure feel old.
  17. E

    88lbs of butt is schmokin

    Don't feel bad about that at all Larry, heck I drink MGD 64 and that is even lighter than Miller Lite. Heck when you have that much on the cooker to worry about and you want to enjoy a cold one, that's the only way to go. Usually when Larry R and I get together, we pretty much go through 3-4 18...
  18. E

    During Cook-Ribs Look Dry And Are Not Tender

    Michael, I have done the 4-1-1 method of which Larry refers to but with a little twist. I usually go 4-2-1, with the last hour being more like 30 minutes. After 4 hours I double wrap with foil adding about 1/4 cup of apple juice. After 2 hours, I carefully open ( the juice can get a wee bit hot)...
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    Sick of Cherry on poultry

    If you can get your hands on it , try some sugar maple, and then season your chicken with some lemon pepper. You will be pleasantly surprised.
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    Pulled Beef - Best Cut

    Damn Bryan, you must be working too hard...

