Temp struggles


Ed Cardoza

Put a couple of partially frozen Pork Butts (9 lbs each) using 1/2 chimney of lit Ranchers. Initially it started out a bit high at 253* and then I tried bringing it down to my normal 225* cook. At first I thought due to the butts being a little bit frozen still it was keeping my temps down as they kept falling into the 200* range, and this is with the use of a DIGIQ II power draft system. I am having to adjust the darn vents every half hour to get the temps under control, and that is just not happening right now. It's about 48* outside and no wind. I did however notice that the bag of rancher felt a little moist, but I keep the charcoal in a shed and there doesn't seem to be any moisture in the shed.
I just went back out there and the temp was back up to 255* and the alarm was singing as it should, so I reset the vents and re adjusted the top vent. I put these butts on at 4 pm PST and was really hoping for a long overnight cook and maybe even getting some sleep, but dang it guys, I am lost for reasons as to why this is not hold temps like I am used to it doing.
Am I missing something, or is this just something that happens to all of us every now and then? Please feel free to let me know if there is something I should be trying to rectify this issue, but my blinders just won't let me see right now.
Thanks guys and gals
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Am I missing something, or is this just something that happens to all of us every now and then? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

yup, and for me its usually during a comp

sometimes a bottom vent will be pointed into a breeze which can complicate temp regulation, other than that I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.
More of a question than an answer. I thought with a DIGI Q that other than the single blower hole, all of the bottom vents were closed all the time?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rick Kramer:
More of a question than an answer. I thought with a DIGI Q that other than the single blower hole, all of the bottom vents were closed all the time? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That would be correct Rick, and that is how I normally run it, however I just haven't been able to get the temp up to 225* with the bottom vents shut down. The humidity does seem a bit high tonight, and if the coals got a little moisture in them, well then that would pretty much answer my own question. I am going to check to see what the humidity is tonight right now.

EDIT: humidity is at 82%
Hey gang, just checked it again and it is holding steady for the time being at 230* and I can live with that.
Thanks for your input folks. I usually just read past posts to see what the heck is going on, but I haven't run across this problem, and I thought maybe after being so darn sick this past weekend, that my brain just faded, and I not sure that hasn't happened either.

"getting older is sure fun isn't it?" Can't seem to remember ^&*%^ anymore. What were we talking about?
I've got an 8x8 vinel(sp) Lowes shed with eve vents in it
No probs...I just roll up the bag's top after I open it ...i'm sure you do to... Did you use H2O in the pan? I use boiling water when it's this cold...
No sir Ron, I use an empty water pan since I have the Power Draft system. I have a 6x8 pretty well sealed shed I bought from OSH about three years ago. I used to just keep them in my garage, but since I moved, I wanted more room in the garage for my other toys so the charcoal stores really nice in the shed and even on racks.

