Cameron Johnston
New member
Posted December 04, 2009 06:14 PM
Put my first brisket on this morning at about quarter after seven. Five hours later it reached an internal temp of 190. Don't know why.Heres the story.
I woke up and got the meat out of the fridge to let it set at room temp for a while. In the mean time I lit the fire. full ring of unlit coal with half a chimney lit on top.
While that was heating up I injected the meat with a brisket marinade. about 4 to five ounces. I also put a rub that I made from a weber recipie on it. I cut about three inches off the end so it would fit in the cooker. not to sure if thats good or bad.
I put it on when the temp hit about 220 on the lid. I let it get to 250 and maintained for the remainder of the cook.
but a problem I had was my maverick always reads different. 50 degree difference. I know theres many differnt discussions on lid vs grate, but this is a ridiculous difference.
The funny thing is all three thermometers read 204 in boiling water.
during the cook the lid temp read 250, but the maverick read between 260 and 310 while the lid remained the same. I checked it with another digital thermometer that I have and it was consistent with the maverick. But like I said all of them read correct in boiling water.
at the speed the meat cooked I'm thinking the maverick was correct but the forum posts are saying pick one and go with it.
anyway back to the cook. when meat temp reached 165 I removed the brisket, wrapped in foil and returned to the smoker for about another 2 hours when the temp reached 190, onle five hours in I pelled it off.
I tried a small piece and it was tough as can be.
I'm at a loss. I ended up rewrapping it and putting it in the oven at 250 and I plan to leave it there for about 3 or 4 hours. Thats where I'm at now. oh and for those who may be wondering I had three chunks of hickory and a gallon of water in there.
Any suggestions? Do you think it will turn out fine out of the oven evan though the temp already reached 190?
Thanks for reading guys. I would appreciate your responces.
Put my first brisket on this morning at about quarter after seven. Five hours later it reached an internal temp of 190. Don't know why.Heres the story.
I woke up and got the meat out of the fridge to let it set at room temp for a while. In the mean time I lit the fire. full ring of unlit coal with half a chimney lit on top.
While that was heating up I injected the meat with a brisket marinade. about 4 to five ounces. I also put a rub that I made from a weber recipie on it. I cut about three inches off the end so it would fit in the cooker. not to sure if thats good or bad.
I put it on when the temp hit about 220 on the lid. I let it get to 250 and maintained for the remainder of the cook.
but a problem I had was my maverick always reads different. 50 degree difference. I know theres many differnt discussions on lid vs grate, but this is a ridiculous difference.
The funny thing is all three thermometers read 204 in boiling water.
during the cook the lid temp read 250, but the maverick read between 260 and 310 while the lid remained the same. I checked it with another digital thermometer that I have and it was consistent with the maverick. But like I said all of them read correct in boiling water.
at the speed the meat cooked I'm thinking the maverick was correct but the forum posts are saying pick one and go with it.
anyway back to the cook. when meat temp reached 165 I removed the brisket, wrapped in foil and returned to the smoker for about another 2 hours when the temp reached 190, onle five hours in I pelled it off.
I tried a small piece and it was tough as can be.
I'm at a loss. I ended up rewrapping it and putting it in the oven at 250 and I plan to leave it there for about 3 or 4 hours. Thats where I'm at now. oh and for those who may be wondering I had three chunks of hickory and a gallon of water in there.
Any suggestions? Do you think it will turn out fine out of the oven evan though the temp already reached 190?
Thanks for reading guys. I would appreciate your responces.