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  1. E

    Tailgate WEEKEND Week 5 (10/9-10/10) + TGW 4 (10/2-10/3) archive

    Heck Larry, just do the flank steak stuffed with prosciutto, Fontana cheese and basil leaves, then you can take pics and have people drool all over what you cook. LOL
  2. E

    Three big butts

    The answer to your questions are 1. this would be a Stumps Smoker 2. I did not take pics of the final product as basically I was just too dang tired. We vacuum sealed it all into portion control packets and froze it.
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    Three big butts

    Just finishing up my overnighter on these three big butts that my wife picked out on Sunday: Smoking away
  4. E

    When to rub ribs?

    I always apply my rub about five minutes before putting them in to the smoker. I used to apply the rub the night before, but I have found that five minutes prior to works best for me and I get much better results as well.
  5. E

    Post a picture of yourself! *****

    I'd post a picture of myself, but I am wanted in too many states, so that would not be wise. If you're really curious, then just go to your local post office. I am pretty sure you'll find one of me there.
  6. E

    What is your most useless gadget?

    My most worthless item in my BBQ drawer is a long BBQ fork. I just can't and won't bring myself to use something like that on anything that I grill or smoke. It's a sin in my house to even think about using it when I am grilling or smoking.
  7. E

    Country style spare ribs Boneless

    Just added pics to my previous post.
  8. E

    Country style spare ribs Boneless

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gerry D.: Sorry dude. Working this weekend. Glad they turned out well. I usually just rub and smoke for about 3 hours at around 250. If I'm feeling...
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    Country style spare ribs Boneless

    Just wanted to thank everyone for their help yesterday on these boneless country style ribs. They turned out great.
  10. E

    Country style spare ribs Boneless

    Ok all you country style ribs cookers, any suggestions on smoking boneless country style spares? Looking for methods as well as Cooking temps and internal temps information.
  11. E

    Is it ever TOO HOT TO BBQ?

    If you have a shade structure, it's never too hot to BBQ. At least when we had the pool we could always just jump in and get cooled off before continuing to burn some meat.
  12. E

    Should I get a Primo XL?

    Man I sure hate to promote another smoker on this site, but I will. I bought a Stumps Smoker this past spring, and love it to death. It's a gravity feed system that is a cooking machine for sure. It is built so solid that it makes smoking foods a complete pleasure. My particular smoker has three...
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    Wagyu Brisket Cook

    As usual, it is looking great...
  14. E

    Wagyu Brisket Cook

    you'll do just fine sir. As always, your cook will be great, can't wait to see the pics.
  15. E

    Who is doing there own Fathers day cooking ?

    Not sure what we will be doing, but I sure wish Fathers Day was on a Saturday instead. At least then you could enjoy a few more adult beverages and not have to worry about showing up to work the next day with bags under your eyes. Guess I will just have to celebrate it on Saturday and spend...
  16. E

    brisket still feels tough

    I know the feeling... I did a 10.5 lb brisket this weekend and was done in 6 hours at 275* and even dropped the temp down to 225* towards the end. It felt a little tougher than I would like to admit, but I was able to cut it with a fork once sliced and on my plate. I cooked her until she reach...
  17. E

    baby butts

    I am smoking some very small pork roasts for the folks that live behind me. There are four of them and they weigh about 1.5 lbs a piece. My question is , how long should I plan on in terms of cooking time at a temp of 260*?
  18. E

    New Digiq DX - Overshoot issue

    Sounds like you may have an air leak, plus I would start your cooker on much less lit fuel. You can get by with much less, and I am thinking you can start off with a quarter of a chimney, plus I would close the top vent even more. I usually just barely crack the top vent just to let the smoke...
  19. E

    9lb Brisket

    Just did one last weekend at 260* and it was ready after 12 hours. It was a 11.5 lb packer and was fabulous.
  20. E

    My Pull Behind 22.5 WSM

    Paul, I would not be a bit surprised if you don't get a boat load of requests to modify cookers of fellow forum members. Those mods are outstanding.

