When to rub ribs?


pj lietz

Hey all,

Another quick question before my big BBQ. Is it ok to rub my ribs tonight and have then sit for about 16hours in the fridge? I remember reading somewhere that it's not a good idea to rub them more then an hour or so before cooking. However it will be a lot easier for me if I can get them done tonight.

Thanks for any advice!

P.S. I'll be starting my Big BBQ thread soon, gonna be some good eats!
If your rub contains much in the way of salt and sugar, as is probable, imo it is not a good idea, unless the 'hammy' characteristic that often results is okay with you.

It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to rubs 5 racks of ribs so...
Thanks for the reply Kevin,

I know it doesn't take long to rub a bunch of racks, but any time I can save doing prep tonight means more fun for me during the BBQ, lol...

My rub has very little salt, but is about 1/8th brown sugar. Will I still get a 'hammy' taste if I do them tonight with this rub?

Thanks again!
Quite possibly not. I don't rub in advance but I don't find the potential hammy-ness of doing so any where near as objectionable as that from heavily 'enhanced' ribs. If you're of a mind just go for it and see how it works for you. (Or do half ahead and half just before. That will get some done in advance and the others not - a perfect test scenario, and you can see for yourself if there is a marked difference in your opinion or not. Win-win.)
I have been rubbing my ribs the night before for years now and haven't ever had a bad experience with it, never had a "hammey" taste to them. My rub is very low in salt, mostly Dark Brown Sugar.
My wife always states that my BB ribs taste like ham.
Question? What causes a Hammy taste ?
1.salt & sugar.
2.to much Hickory.
3.to much meat on loin.
4.to much time rub is on BB.
I have read many people say their ribs taste hammy but nobody really zeros in on the reasons why.
I sure would like to know.
Thanks for any ideas.
I always apply my rub about five minutes before putting them in to the smoker. I used to apply the rub the night before, but I have found that five minutes prior to works best for me and I get much better results as well.
I'm in the right before I smoke them club, and as others have stated used to do it the overnight club but converted for no other reason than it seems more convenient for me to do it right before I put them on the smoker. I've also been converted to Kevin K's method of making salt-less rubs and applying salt to my meat first and then my rub. I find it does a great job of adhering the rub to the meat.
i used to rub my ribs/pork shoulder/brisket/etc and let sit in the fridge overnight, but changed my method to rubbing 1/2 hour or so before putting on the grill and like the results better...i have no clue why...maybe its because i'm getting better at my craft, but who knows?

Kevin's advice on saltless rubs is great as well...

