Search results

  1. Teddy J.

    French Dip Sandwee

    I'll take a plate of that, please.
  2. Teddy J.

    new Home Theater / Gaming PC

    These things sure have come a long way, any time I see new computer specs I'm always reminded of my first Packard Bell. 25mhz Processor 2 MB RAM 75 MB Hard Drive Hard to even fathom we functioned with that machine.
  3. Teddy J.

    Superbowl Sunday Wings

    You sure you didn't pull that 2nd pic from a Stubbs magazine ad?
  4. Teddy J.

    A journey to Super Bowl XLIX? 22 lb whole shoulder in the wings

    Monty, how did this end up? Any finished pics?
  5. Teddy J.


    Bill... This cook is rediculous. Nice job man.
  6. Teddy J.

    Lambpigcow Anyone?

    How large will be the counterweight need to be?
  7. Teddy J.

    Chuck Eye Steaks & Crab Stuffed Portabellas

    All of it looks great, I'm espcially digging the mushrooms. How was the flavor of the actual mushroom? Was the smoke wood too much, or not overpowering?
  8. Teddy J.

    Weekend cooking frenzy

    Food and pictures are excellent, that's alot of meat!
  9. Teddy J.

    A Question About Brisket

    If I'm doing a brisket that goes the width of the grate, I'll place some aluminum foil on the ends so they don't burn. You can see this in the 2nd picture above.
  10. Teddy J.

    Lump charcoal question

    I used KBB when I started, but was getting frustrated because I couldn't really differentiate between the seasonings I used. I was told by a few board members that lump was 'cleaner', so I gave it a shot. Never looked backed, and couldn't be happier. I'd probably be open to trying the...
  11. Teddy J.

    I'm a little jealous of the snowpocalypse the northeast is getting!

    Here's a pic from the 2011 Blizzard I still had on my phone, taken at Oak Street Beach looking at Lake Michigan. There is supposed to be some water out there somewhere.
  12. Teddy J.

    Can I get crispy wings on my WSM 22.5?

    If I had a choice between my WSM, Performer, and Jumbo Joe; I'd choose the JJ every time, provided I didn't need the larger cooking area. Wings can be goofy to cook, as it's easy to overcook them trying to get crispy skin. The shallow lid of the Jumbo Joe really helps I think.
  13. Teddy J.

    Amazon PRIME $72 for this year. TODAY Only 1/24/15

    Chris, I agree 1000%. Not to mention the Instant Video and Music is pretty good too.
  14. Teddy J.

    Pizza Night

    Wow, these all look great. The twists are a nice touch!
  15. Teddy J.

    I'm a little jealous of the snowpocalypse the northeast is getting!

    Lol! I spent a couple years up in Chicago and experienced the 2011 Blizzard. I was living by Lake Michigan at the time and the snow drifts were pretty impressive (as was the rest of the snow). I didn't mind it so much, but then again, I didn't have to to shovel, snow blow, or drive...
  16. Teddy J.

    Performer Deluxe Qs

    PeteH - For what it's worth, I happen to come across one of the newer Performers today with the metal table. Not sure if it's because I've used my thermoset table for so long, but I wasn't as excited about the metal table as I thought I would be after seeing one in person. The feel of it was a...
  17. Teddy J.

    Lower Vents Still Riveted On?

    Are the lower vents on all the newer WSM's still riveted on? I noticed on the JJ they went to a fastener, was just curious if this was the case on the WSM's too.
  18. Teddy J.

    I'm a little jealous of the snowpocalypse the northeast is getting!

    The only white stuff we can shovel around here is beach sand. Somebody go outside and do a couple snow angels for me.
  19. Teddy J.

    Weber One Touch vs performer

    Performer is my favorite grill hands down. All of the features that I thought "can't be that big of a deal", are in fact, "that big of a deal". I can't imagine using a regular 3-legged Kettle. The only reason I like the Jumbo Joe so much is because it's so close to the ground I've got plenty...
  20. Teddy J.

    First ever charcoal cook pr()n - Epic Fail! - 2015 Performer Deluxe

    Hmmm, must be a defective Deluxe Performer. You can send it to me, I'll pay the shipping costs too. Seriously though, food still looks good! I'd take a plate of that any day.

