Search results

  1. John Sp

    Glazed Chicken and Peaches with Corn

    Wow Barb - great job - that is simple but elegant. Love the color on that bird... Regards, John
  2. John Sp

    London Broil with Mushrooms, Shrimp and Garlic

    That was a great meal Cliff. I love grilling LB but I have never smoked one. I'm going to give it try... Regards John
  3. John Sp

    Rotisserie Cornell Chicken

    Great looking bird Robert. Live that roti-basket too! Regards, John
  4. John Sp

    Couple of recent cooks and a new toy

    Wow Phil your Q really has some international flair going on. Great job across the board. I will be trying that roti pineapple before long... Regards, John
  5. John Sp

    Brazilian Meal in Honor of the Olympics

    Hello All, Last weekend we decided to honor the host country for the Olympic Games by cooking a native meal for the closing ceremony. I perused all of your fabulous cooks for some Brazilian grub. I settled on the Picanha Com Alho recipe posted by Jerome D earlier this year. I could not find...
  6. John Sp

    ARD vs. Vortex

    Its hard to argue with success Rich. That meal looks awesome! Regards, John
  7. John Sp

    Monday's fun gathering...

    Paulie, You really broke out the arsenal and threw down on that one. Great looking food and a spectrum of techniques. Love that meal! Regards, John
  8. John Sp

    Grillin' out... HOW IT SHOULDN'T BE!

    At least your BBQ will keep you warm... Great looking cook - looks like it would make pretty good football eats for when LSU plays Wisconsin in a few weeks. You know the best part of your little joke is... In six months it really will look like that where you are I and I will be grilling in...
  9. John Sp

    Inaugural Cook on the New 26.75 OTG - Teriyaki Pork Steaks, Hasselbacks, and Corn

    Hello All, My wife bought me a 26.75” OTG for our 30th wedding anniversary. I had been complaining about cooking for nine on my 22.5” OTG so I guess the squeaky wheel does get the grease. For my inaugural cook, I decided to pull out an old standard, Teriyaki Pork Chops (I really used some pork...
  10. John Sp

    National Bratwurst Day

    Nicely done sir! How did I miss Bratsgiving? I wonder if they would mind if I celebrated a few days late? Regards, John
  11. John Sp

    I'm Likin' Meatloaf Again!

    Hilary, Great job on the smoked meatloaf it looks awesome!. Smoked meatloaf is a favorite around here so I will definitely be trying your technique in the near future - I've never had one with mushrooms before, so I'm looking forward to trying it... Regards, John
  12. John Sp

    Thick Cut USDA Prime Filet Mignon

    Woof Jerome those look perfect! That picture shold be in the dictionary under Steak, Medium Rare. You are right - a minimalist approach is always best with good steak. You need to stay of the steak's way as much as possible. You handled that beautifully... Regards, John
  13. John Sp

    Chicken, Shrimp, & Asparagus

    Darvin - great cook dude. Grilled 'gus and shrimp is hard to beat in my book. Love the color on the shrimp and bird too... Regards, John
  14. John Sp

    Jerky for Nurse Maggie and Meatloaf for Me!

    Wow Bob you got some mileage out of that cook. Meatloaf, a cocktail, and breakfast too - well done! How about some insight into your jerky approach. What kind of meat? Do you marinate? Cold smoke or low and slow? Please advise... Regards, John
  15. John Sp

    Looking for some good Rotissere ideas.

    Bruno, I love using my rotisserie. I have linked a few cooks below for you to try: Boudin Stuffed Pork Loin Stuffed Pork Loin Roulade (Pig Three Ways) Stuffed Boneless Leg of Lamb Thanksgiving Turkey I hope you like these regards, John
  16. John Sp

    Royal chicken, second chance

    Great cook Gary - I love the idea of doing the Hasselbacks in the 'basement'. Glad to hear the Price of Wales has tightened up his quality control... Regards, John
  17. John Sp

    Spatchcock chewy chicken

    Gary - the chickenh was clearly cooked expertly - it has to be the quality of the bird. I think HRH owes you a bird! Anyway that plate is beautiful... Regards, John
  18. John Sp

    Midnight Mass

    Man - I want to go to your church. That is some great restaurant quality grub there - excellent job! Regards, John
  19. John Sp

    I don't like Mondays, but I do love BBQ'd salmon!

    Monty - now that's how to turn a Monday around with style! Nice cook dude! Regards, john
  20. John Sp

    Boneless Pork Ribs? Late evening cook.

    Mark - they call those 'country ribs' around here. We cook them low and slow on the smoker or in the crock pot. they are very versatile and you can catch them on sale all the time. Yours look really good. I love the flipped grate idea - why didn't I think of that? How about a recipe for...

