Search results

  1. John Sp

    <('@')> bacon <('@')>

    Wow Jim - that is some great looking bacon. It looks like it came right out of the deli case at a high end butcher shop! Regards, John
  2. John Sp

    Another first time Cheese Smoker (Pic heavy)

    Cold smoked cheese is a family favorite of ours, Wade. Yours looks really good - and you don't fool around - that's a lot of cheese. I do mine on a 26.5" OTG and I usually leave one of my bottom vents cracked and the top vent wide open so the grill will draw. This usually works out pretty...
  3. John Sp

    Cuban Style Pulled Pork

    Great looking cook Pat. I have never thought to use a Cuban marinade on a whole butt. I am going to give this a try next time I do a butt... Regards, John
  4. John Sp

    Craigslist score and rainy night New Years Eve So Cal cook.

    Nice Score Jeff! Why don't they ever have those around me? Nice ob on the ham. I have had my eye on the vortex for a while. They seem a bit pricey for what you get. Do you like yours? Regards, John
  5. John Sp

    Belated Prime Rib Christmas Dinner

    Wow Cliff, just WOW! What an awesome cook and meal. The PR looks like the dictionary definition and all the sides including the pie on the WSM? You have really outdone yourself this time... Regards, John
  6. John Sp

    New Year's Eve Wings Three Ways

    Rich - I used Kosher Salt - a lot of it. I cut the wings (reserving the tips for stock), rinsed them and sprinkled them liberally with KS. I stored them in the fridge for 45 minutes, then pulled them and rinsed them with cold water. I then soaked them in fresh cold water for about 20 minutes...
  7. John Sp

    New Year's Eve Wings Three Ways

    Hello All, For NYE this year I decided to do some wings on the Weber 26 (this is starting to become a tradition). I cooked them using the pile method over some KB with Jack Daniels Whiskey Barrel Chips for light smoke. I made a strawberry jalapeno/sriracha glaze, an apricot glaze, and used...
  8. John Sp

    Lunch Meat

    Nice idea Chuck. That lunch meat beats the heck out of store bought any day... Regards, John
  9. John Sp

    Pulled Pork - Winter Cook

    That is textbook PP Robert - nice job! Regards, John
  10. John Sp

    Smash Burgers

    Nice job on the burgers John - they look pretty close to perfect. What is that you are cooking them on? Leah looks like she loves her cake but I bet she'd eat a burger too... Regards, John
  11. John Sp


    Great looking meal Clint and another fine example of a man practicing his craft in adverse conditions (by long before now most guys have stored their grills in your area I'm betting). Gotta love using your own homebrew for the recipe and the leftovers look every bit as good as the original...
  12. John Sp

    Thanksgiving turkey on the 26"

    Bob - inspiring meal there. Love the color of your bird. That plate is the very epitome of Thanksgiving dinner! Regards, John
  13. John Sp

    RainyDay Big Butt

    Rusty, I love your philosophy - never let the weather take you off your game! Hurricane or blizzard you gotta represent! Great looking butt there buddy. I wish you were my neighbor... Regards, John
  14. John Sp

    Wings on the Vortex, again! This time with sides and dessert!

    Wow - great meal Robert! The puff pastry looks delicious - very creative... Regards, JOhn
  15. John Sp

    Wings on the Vortex, again! This time with sides and dessert!

    Wow - great meal Robert! The puff pastry looks delicious - very creative... Regards, JOhn
  16. John Sp

    Pork Chops, Baked Potato and Eggplant

    Nice job - everything looks great Cliff! I will have to try your eggplant recipe - I am not a fan but my wife loves them... Regards, John
  17. John Sp

    Turkey on the WSM 14.5" smoker Guava smoked

    Great looking bird Michael! That color is perfect. I have never heard of smoking with guava. Where did you get it? What kind of flavor does it add? Regards, John
  18. John Sp

    Elk burgers

    Wow Jeff - that is an elk sized burger! Great job on a fine meal... regards, John
  19. John Sp

    Thirty Three Wonderful Years With My Lady

    Congrats Rich & Barb. Y'all are truly blessed and it is awesome to see the results of your collaboration here on the forum! What a perfect way to celebrate your 33 years... Regards, John
  20. John Sp

    Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

    Wow Keith - those are some juicy looking birds. Your rotisserie looks medieval dude. Tell us about your custom set-up... Regards, John

