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  1. Dan CANADA

    My best brisket so far

    I love doing the same thing with chuck roast. The garlic gives it that extra kick.
  2. Dan CANADA

    Suicide Drummies

    My mouth is watering.
  3. Dan CANADA

    Part Two - Cooking for the Outlaws

    Your beer fridge looks nicer than my regular fridge :)
  4. Dan CANADA

    Sunday Spare Ribs

    Yes, winter has beaten us down to think that a -10* C day is "nice". I am also tired of constantly having to shovel off my deck to get to my barbecue. On a more positive note, nice ribs!! :D
  5. Dan CANADA

    Marinated Chicken Breasts - Two Ways

    Welcome back too the game. Your skills haven't suffered from your absence :)
  6. Dan CANADA

    Meat Balls on the Performer.

    Thems some big balls...
  7. Dan CANADA


    My favorite part of this cook was the fact that you forgot about the bacon. :) Everything looks superb!
  8. Dan CANADA

    Snowy Sunday's down 'n dirty eyes over lump

    How was your beer-cicle? Cold as ice!!
  9. Dan CANADA

    Walking Dead Paella

    I can't stand seafood (and I'm glad I couldn't smell it), but that spread is professional grade.
  10. Dan CANADA

    My first beef ribs and a lesson learned

    Why is it that you would use less rub on beef ribs when you normally cover pork ribs?
  11. Dan CANADA

    Spatchcocked Cornish on the WSM

    It's not baseball season, but that is a mean triple Play.
  12. Dan CANADA

    Olympic Drummies

    Those fries look sharp :p
  13. Dan CANADA


    I want this for dinner!!!
  14. Dan CANADA

    Pork Tacos

    Looks delicious
  15. Dan CANADA

    HH Brisket flat

    That looks like a really good brisket. Good job.
  16. Dan CANADA

    What cut are these? Short ribs? Back ribs?

    I have no idea, but they definitely look to be beef ribs to me :p
  17. Dan CANADA

    1979 22" Blueberry

    That bbq is in pretty damn good shape considering it is 35 years old!!
  18. Dan CANADA

    Breaded Buffalo Chicken Legs

    I'll have to try breaded wings on the bbq. I always just deep fry mine, but those look good.
  19. Dan CANADA

    Grillin' out... HOW IT SHOULD BE!

    I had to triple check this post before I got to the end because it sure didn't look like winter in Wisconsin.
  20. Dan CANADA

    Superbowl Wings and Nachos

    Those damn dragons are always getting in the way of things. The nachos look good to me. I wouldn't mind that plate. :)

