Search results

  1. H

    Rib Roast......second time through!

    looks great!!!
  2. H

    Ribs, Thighs and Butter Braised Reds

    Very nice, I am going to have to try they potatoe recipe.
  3. H

    Teaching my bro some grilling...

    Great job!!
  4. H

    Grilled chicken salad

    Trying to eat a bit more healthy and ik found these chicken breast tenderloins on sale. I seasoned them lightly with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder. I grilled them direct on the OTG at 450 for like 6 minutes or so. The salad consisted of spring mix, green pepper, thinly sliced...
  5. H

    Help! Got a bone-in brisket piece, need to decide what to do in the next hour...

    Looks great and sounds like quite the adventure!!!
  6. H

    Beautiful Rueben for this Irish guy...

    Looks great!!
  7. H

    Hoisin Pork Chops

    Looks good my friend!!
  8. H

    Does the brand of charcoal really matter

    I am the same way.
  9. H

    The 10 Best BBQ Chain Restaurants in the America

    Jim and Nicks is good. They do tons if catering too, one time at work we got their smoked turkey sandwich for completing a fire drill - they were outside the building.
  10. H

    Picked up an 18.5" WSM off Craigslist today for $30

    Love it and great work on the clean up!! A little jealous
  11. H

    My Second Brisket

    Looks great!!! Now you have to cook another!!
  12. H

    Beef and broccoli on the weber

    Looks great!!
  13. H

    Weber Monster

    Super cool!! The whole hog weber
  14. H

    Why you light it like you do?

    I do B every time with good success. Only problems come when I do not use enough lit coals.
  15. H

    Anyone ever done smoked then fried ribs?

    I haven't tried them, but there is a place here that does them and they are great!!
  16. H

    Best charcoal to use !

    I usally use blue bag because when you get it on the sale it is hard to beat price wise. I also really like stubbs and get it when I can find it at the local walmart. I have used lump before, the only one I don't like is cowboy.
  17. H

    Need pork butt advice

    I don't inject, I put my dry rub on it and put it to bed on the smoker. I don't foil during the cook either, I wrap in foil and put it in the cooler to hold until eating (can be hours latter) I usally try to cook around 250 and use plenty of wood. I like the bark you get from cooking the...
  18. H

    Thermopop: $24 version of Thermapen

    I have the other 6 sec thermoworks thermometer and it works great except for the fact it isn't backlit and it doesn't rotate. I want one!! And I like the color combos!!

