My Second Brisket


Gene Brownson

TVWBB All-Star
I treated myself to a brisket cook last weekend. The end of the 40's decade for me, next year the big five o. We found a 4.5#er, a flat. I used Larry Wolfe's Original rub. I also used some slightly used charcoal from a few cooks back along with some used lump. I used 4 fist sized cherry wood chunks. Not many pics because I was a lazy butt and laid around like a dog, with the dogs :cool:

It took just about 8 hours to reach 196 meat temp. After which it was tightly wrapped in foil and a towel and placed in a cooler for an hour.

I broke out the cutco carver and let er rip.

Here's my plate getting ready to hit the pie hole ;)

I was very pleased with the finished product. I will do one thing different the next time and that is inject it. It was very good and flavorful, Wolfe's original gave it a nice taste. It was a little dry and this is why I will inject the next one. I had a great day and a nice weekend. Thanks for looking!
Heck of a b'day brisket cook you old dude!
Love the p'sghetti' and tater salad too!
Relish what's left of your forties, the fifties go fast, and the sixties even faster! :p
It took just about 8 hours to reach 196 meat temp. After which it was tightly wrapped in foil and a towel and placed in a cooler for an hour.

If I read this correctly, you did NOT foil or otherwise wrap it while it was on the smoker, just after you pulled it off to let it rest. Correct?

I ask because I hear so many people wrapping their briskets and a few even looked at me strange when I told them I didn't wrap my first one.
If I read this correctly, you did NOT foil or otherwise wrap it while it was on the smoker, just after you pulled it off to let it rest. Correct?

I ask because I hear so many people wrapping their briskets and a few even looked at me strange when I told them I didn't wrap my first one.

No Brian, I didn't wrap this one or my first one. It still was very good, just another nugget for this grey matter to try and hold into ;) Maybe I'll try wrapping one in the future but we've been happy without :)
Heck of a b'day brisket cook you old dude!
Love the p'sghetti' and tater salad too!
Relish what's left of your forties, the fifties go fast, and the sixties even faster! :p

Thanks for the speedy telegram Bob! :) my head is still spinning from the last 49, maybe some self induced ;)
Yeah we were happy with my first attempt too. My only complaint, if you could call it that, was how much longer it took to cook than I expected. Of course I think it had something to do with the weather. That is my excuse anyway.

I probably won't wrap my next one. But then again I might.
We're moving on from pork to beef, and my wife wants me to try brisket next. I, too, have been researching recipes, and the recipes seem to be all over the place in terms of wrapping, not wrapping, dry water bowl, wet water bowl, cooking temp, and so on. I'm thinking a cut of meat that's around 5 pounds or so, doing it on the WSM; but, I wanted to get a handle on target temp, which I see here in the posts. I'm assuming that the cooking temp is around 250, give or take, and that the meat is done when it's done. Anything else you could add, or take away? Thanks.

