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  1. J

    7mm Stainless Steel grates

    I just replaced my chipped porcelain grates from my spirit e220. QuliMetal 7637 17.5" Cooking Grates for Weber Spirit 200 and Spirit II 200 Series Gas Grills, Spirit E210 S210 E220 S220 (2013-Newer) with Front Control Knobs, 304 Stainless Steel
  2. J

    Paint to fix small rust area on hunter green lid

    That would be the ideal solution. I actually have an old green bowl in my shed that needs a lid. Weber replaced the bowl a few years ago due to a small chip I discovered cleaning it.
  3. J

    Paint to fix small rust area on hunter green lid

    I have a dark green performer that is about 5 years old. I just discovered a small spot along the lip where it is starting to rust. The porcelain must have gotten chipped. I have no Idea how. What is the best way to deal with this?
  4. J

    Weber kettle temperature gauge placement

    I've been using my performer long enough not to worry about it. I place the charcoal on the right side and chicken or pork chops on an elevated grate on the opposite side. The vent is directly over the meat. Normally I use about 50/50 new to used charcoal with my large chimney full. It's more...
  5. J

    First time cooking pork butt on WSM

    I've done many that small around 240-260F. I put it in by 8 am. At around 1:00-2:00 in the afternoon It's normally 160-165 internal. I wrap mine when 165F so I take if off about 1.5-2 hrs later when it's 205F or tender. I let rest for 1 hour still in foil in a towel and immediately pull it for...
  6. J

    Thermometer Prob pass through

    I tried the grommet as well when I first got my WSM. After about a year I cut a slot. It much easier now.
  7. J

    Placing wood chunks in the WSM

    How does it taste? If you like the results I wouldn't change anything. I have the WSM 14 and I use a fist size chunk of history, oak, and apple with pork shoulder. About half way through I may added another chunk of apple. Considering the size of the WSM's charcoal chamber that's probably more...
  8. J

    Hamburgers - Room for improvement

    I like to add a chunk or a few pieces of mesquite wood to the coals and use 85/15. I've found 80/20 has too much fat which causes flare ups and 90/10 is too dry.
  9. J

    Trouble controlling and measuring temperature

    I also measure temperature through the grommet using the temperature probe from my Thermoworks Smoke.
  10. J

    When is the fire ready for smoking?

    I've found that when the temperature drops below 235F the smoke becomes more white. For this reason I like to let extra air in to get the temperature up more quickly at the beginning. I usually wait until the grate temperature is at least 200 before I put anything on. I'll leave all vents open...
  11. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    I like that. Be sure to add your observations it was too salty. Next time about half way through check the charcoal level through the door and add more if it's getting low. I would also suggest starting early in the morning. I get mine on by 8 am if it's for dinner but I wrap mine and only...
  12. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    Looks good! I just looked up turkey stock and the brand I looked at had 990 mg of salt per serving. That's a lot of salt already. I suggest you keep a journal of each cook. Write down everything you did from what you cooked and size, weather conditions, type of charcoal, wood, water pan, etc...
  13. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    Looks good. Was this boneless,
  14. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    If the temperature continues to trend down I would open one vent until it gets back up to about 240. Based off the OP's location I suspect his outdoor temperature is getting cold.
  15. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    His graphic shows about 155
  16. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    Are you wrapping it? You are at the stall so be prepared to wait awhile. I wrap mine at 165. You can check on the charcoal to see how much is left. If you're careful you can knock off the charred bits to expose fresh coals. Don't do this too much or you may extinguish the lit coals with ash...
  17. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    DanHoo makes a good point about choking the fire too much. I've found that when the temperature is too low the burning process creates a lot of thick smoke which tends to thin out once the temperature goes up. This is why I suggested you to open more vents/prop the door.
  18. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    I'm my opinion if it's holding anywhere near 260 leave it alone.
  19. J

    First pork butt cook underway - temperature concerns

    I would do that until it's 240 and then start closing them as needed if it stays up.

