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  1. H

    Beef Short Ribs vs. Chuck Ribs Recommendation?

    Great video...thank you! I wonder what he was spritzing on his beef ribs? It looks like water to me.
  2. H

    Beef Short Ribs vs. Chuck Ribs Recommendation?

    Thanks, Rich. I was planning on using Montreal Steak seasoning on it. Good to know that I don't need to add any liquid to foil wrap like pork ribs. Wow...I was expecting 10 hours cook....need to start early to have it ready for dinner! Where do you get your plate ribs from?
  3. H

    Beef Short Ribs vs. Chuck Ribs Recommendation?

    Hello all, My wife made special request for beef ribs for her birthday celebration this weekend. We ate once before at a BBQ joint on our vacation in Texas and loved them - they are not common in the area where we live. This will be my first time making beef ribs on my WSM so I want to...
  4. H

    Problem with using two mavericks at once

    I used only one first one...foot temps was all over the place and incorrect....very disappointed....with return to company and get a new one since this one is defected
  5. H

    Is the Charcoal Rim in my WMS necessary?

    Thanks for sharing your experience, James. Will try a few more long overnight cooks (pork butt and briskets) before making a final decision. Would be nice to continue smoking deep in the winter where temps will be in 20s and 30s. I only had my WMS for a few months in the summer. I have not...
  6. H

    Is the Charcoal Rim in my WMS necessary?

    James, I have mine similar to yours....filled up with rim with 3-4 hunks of wood around. I think I might do similar next but will pour more brisquets on top of the wood to get a higher pile of charcoal. If this continues where I am unable to get a longer cook time during overnight, I am...
  7. H

    Is the Charcoal Rim in my WMS necessary?

    I did a pork butt for 12 hours this past was an overnight from 11pm to 11am. I woke up at 8am to check the meat and noticed temp dropped down to 150lb and I only had a few (4-5) charcoal left. I had to toss in a batch of lit charcoal to get it back up to 250. I was really...
  8. H

    How long does meat last in freezer?

    I had a cookout for friends in the past weekend.....over brought some meat that never made to the smoker.....tossed them in freezer....two extra rack of spare ribs and 1 pork butt The rib racks were taken out of original packaging...I trimmed membrane off and placed in plastic bag in freezer...
  9. H

    Issues with Maverick ET-732 Thermometer

    Thanks for the feedback. I have held the on/off for minutes without any responese. I think I have a lemon and will return it. Might give it one more try before giving up. I like the concept a lot if I can get it to work correctly.
  10. H

    Issues with Maverick ET-732 Thermometer

    Hi all, I was very excited to use my Maverick ET-732 to do my low and slow BBQ on WSM but I been disppointed with the device. Please let me if I am doing something wrong or if you have similar issues: 1) Food probe is not working. It keeps reading HHH or error. I called rep and they...
  11. H

    WSM for grilling?

    Yes, I have done it twice. Once was for my ribeye steak using brick and grill mate grate. It was a bit unconventional but it worked. See thread below. Second time was with chicken this past weekend. I took over top...
  12. H

    Relaxing on a Sunday afternoon...

    that's one loaded potatoe...yummy!
  13. H

    Go Pork Or Go Home!

    Thanks guys! I had a a few (4-5) charcoal left when I checked in morning. I filled it up all the way to the top rim when I started. Should I get a bigger rim or go "no-rim" to get a wider radius? What is the purpose of the rim -- any safety issue if go without one? I am new to charcoal so...
  14. H

    Go Pork Or Go Home!

    Did my first pork butt this wkend. Had to do an overnight in order to have it ready for a lunch with friends next day. Started at 10pm and was done by 11am. A couple things were difficult -- it was harder to see things at night even with my deck lights on. It was also my first overnight...
  15. H

    Pastrami (BAM!)

    wow...that's professional looking quality pastrami!
  16. H

    Wife's out of town so I'm grilling for 1.

    Love the last pic....a finished T-bone!
  17. H

    Weber pizza top for the 22.5" charcoal grills

    Looks delicious! How did the crust turn out? crispy?
  18. H

    Back ribs on the WSM

    Looks good so far......did you put water in pan? what temps are they cooking at?
  19. H

    Turning Smoker Into Charcoal Grill

    Thanks guys! I would love to get a kettle or a performer but I dont think I have space on my small deck. It's already crowded with the recent addition of the 18' WSM and my webber Spirit 310. My deck is about 150 sq ft attached to my townhouse. Space is really tight. In my prior...
  20. H

    Turning Smoker Into Charcoal Grill

    I have been a life long gas grill guy. Just started using charcoal with the weber smoker so I can do some real BBQing. I have been hesitant to try charcoal grilling due to time needed to setup and clean up. After tonight, I am a convert to charcoal steak I had! I converted my...

