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    Tried something new to me with a couple of pork butts

    oh yeah, and I also seared the butt in olive oil with a 12" cast iron pan
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    Tried something new to me with a couple of pork butts

    240ish, there was some variation.. temps started raising for the last hour but I was already at 190 before it broke 250. Usually I have a few hour stall in the middle of it, but there wasn't one on either butt this time. I think the liquid being at temp cause it to push through where the stall...
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    Tried something new to me with a couple of pork butts

    I usually do a dry rub and cook right on the rack over charcoal and water in my wsm 22.5. I got to thinking how much liquid I was losing and wondered if there was a different way. I'd wrapped in order to rush through the stall, so I had an idea. I have had pulled shoulders from a crock pot...
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    How long can I hold a sholder

    I hate that stage.. i'm never patient enough for it.. I've got a brisket sitting there right now.. thought it literally just jumped about 5 degrees in the last 1/2 hour.. sitting at 169 according to my maverick... Having issues keeping the 22.5 below 270.. full water pan, I've got 2/3 vents...
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    temp descrepancy, BIG one

    Lee, its actually hotter up top , as heat rises. I expected my mav to read a few degrees cooler down at rack level vs. dome.. I'm surprised to see it so much higher. Still trying to get my vents just right. up to 262 according to mav.. little warmer than I want to be.. I adjusted them closed...
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    temp descrepancy, BIG one

    ok, first time using my maverick.. Its saying grill level is 235ish.. the one embedded in the dome says its 170ish.. 1. Yes, I know the ones in the domes are crap, but 60 degrees off??? 2. First use of the maverick, could it be off a little bit itself?
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    handle mod for wsm 22.5”?

    well, here are the preliminarys from the maiden smoke. Fairly windy out today, but 70 degrees. Temp is very steady. 2 chickens. Very pale pink smoke ring, but good and deep. I'm used to a much darker ring. Briskett, wont clear 140 degrees.. Looks good, looks juicy, just wont clear 140...
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    could D/T the legs and put adjustable height feet on it. Level it like a fridge (and I'd recommend the flat board under that.. so even if its slightly down hill)
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    handle mod for wsm 22.5”?

    Jim.. chipping paint is the exact reason I dont want too drill.. I've yet to have it not chip. I may do it anyways just so I can install some racks for hanging off grill tools, like tongs etc. The other main reason is its new right now.. let that wear off and I'll probably be a bit more...
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    250 or 350

    Ive not done one in my wsm yet, but in my brinkman id run 225 till i had about an hour left to cook, then id toss in some apple wood chunks and finish between 350 and 400. Skin would crisp up well enough, 1/2" thick smoke ring, and juicy as all getout. Brined for 18 hours or more
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    handle mod for wsm 22.5”?

    ok, was ony 6.6 lbs of charcoal, kept it above 225 degrees (according to the dome temp gauge) for 4 hours.. little leakage of smoke around the door, bit more from around the lid.. I think I'll see some LONG burns out of this thing..
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    handle mod for wsm 22.5”?

    Mike, I've seen that in other threads.. including your dimensions. Its definitely on the table.. So far, 4 hours on 8lbs of lump charcoal and still just above 250 degrees, no dampening yet. Just burning off the oils it shipped with.
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    handle mod for wsm 22.5”?

    Good point, but I like to sit there and work it.. thats a pretty squat grill... Got the maiden firing of it going on right now.. Have realized that I can fit about 24 lbs of lump charcoal in there.. roughly 3 bags of what I have here at the house..
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    handle mod for wsm 22.5”?

    Thats the one thing I'm trying to avoid Jim.. I cringe at drilling holes in it.. I'll come up with something. Did think of a good use for my ECB's charcoal pan with this though. The WSM excells at being a smoker, but it appears to fail pretty hard as a grill. I'll use either the charcoal pan...
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    handle mod for wsm 22.5”?

    Bought some handles for my middle piece on my new 22.5 wsm. The hand is said 7.25... Still way too short. I have to flatten em out too much to be usable. Has anyone found any that work for these yet? Hole spacing isn't 6” like on the 18.5's... Its 7.255 center to center according to the...

